Fortunately, as a result of negotiations through Professor Braarvig as our representative, we acquired Mr. ...our team visited Mr. Schoyen's villa in the suburbs of Spikkestad in November 1997 and 1998 to ...
Matsuda, Kazunobu
concepts which the counselee is currently living. Toreturn to our earlier example, the goal would ...egocentric perspective,and which underlies our actual and potential worlds. Thus,the process of ...
Rachel B. Blass
language reminds us that Plato and Kuukai lived in worlds very different from our own....should not expect too much of our philosophical pioneers.In reading an ancient ...
memory traces (one's passivememory) not only of our prior embodiments in the human species but ...theconceptualization, which on one level invites us to consider thepossibility that our present embodiment (our...
Larson, Gerald James
and mind. The phenomenological methodology will direct our attention ... shown to be primordially given to our consciousness before ontological thetic ...
David E. Shaner
changing even as we dip our foot into it.[3] In contrast, and perhaps in response, Parmenides argued that ...problem, but a very personal and immediate one. In fact, the basic anxiety (duḥkha) of our lives can...
David Loy
that claim our ensuing discussion addresses (I) the place of the Lotus Suutra within Buddhist ...message, what the authors intended to say. What is it that the words seek to convey? At this point our ...
Sandra A. Wawrytko
Columbia by myself and Professor Wing-tsit Chan, has tended to dominate the field; (2) that our use...in our employment of terms, but without assuming that some peoples' different -- sometimes even ...
Theodore de Bary
Doctrine is not meant for mere knowledge but for the improvement of our minds. In order to do that, it must be part of our life. If you put religious doctrine in a building and when you ...
Victoria Urubshurow
and Death", explores our concerns about the "fear of death". Loy says that our attempts ... perspective, our primary repression is not death-terror but another fear even more ...
Loy, David