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  • Canadian government and Jodo Shinshu Buddhism during the Pacific War,1941-1945

    was more or less recognized as a United and Church of Englandsettlement, I would suggest that you ...the accommodation problem:. . . This point has risen several times in the past and I have always ...

    Akira Ichikawa


  • History of Wat Saket (1)

    the name it bears to-day i.e. Wat Sa:ket, the Monastery of the lustration (8ra) of the ...



  • Moral education in Japan

    forthemselves. The nation was rapidly Westernized, i.e. Western institutionswere established in all fields. A...

    Klaus Luhmer


  • Philosophy for an age of death

    p. 175 I. THE QUESTION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ...fire flares up and the cosmos is destroyed, I wonder, will 'it' perish or will 'it' not perish?...

    Steven Heine


  • Plotinus and Vijnanavada Buddhism

    the Arts at Rice University. p.181 I. AIMS AND SCOPE As A. H. Armstrong has said, and ...itself.[71] I Finally the Plotinian universe emerges as, on all levels, a completely interinclusive ...

    McEvilley, Thomas


  • Vietnamese home temples and the First Amendment

    exercise questions. Part I will provide the historical context in which to view this particulardispute. ...

    Chloe Anne Breyer


  • Saddharmapundarikasutra in Chinese History

    I think that there are, at least, two principles which we should follow: One is the loyalty to the ...

    Yang Zengwen


  • Schisms, murder, and hungry ghosts in Shangra-La

    Shugden and regarding him as a manifestation of the bodhisattva Manjushri (i.e., a buddha...

    Mike Wilson


  • Secularization of public administration

    public service. Like it or not, the public sector is all about values and I believe that ...

    Thomas D. Lynch; Richard Omdal


  • Some methodological approaches to the unexplained points

    to be a late patch-up, since it has Gotama thinking, "I will now teach him according to the ... the formal structure is the same as that of the eel-wriggler's case (SSB, 38) "I don't take it thus...

    Richard H. Robinson

