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  • Buddhist functionalism--instrumentality reaffirmed

    something is true in Buddhism, does it mean (a)that it is factually true, (b) that it is figuratively ...Western philosophical categoriesof (a) 'correspondence', (b) 'pragmatic utility' and (c) 'coherence'. ...

    David, Scott


  • Causality As Soteriology

    three main texts; namely, (1) theMiddle Treatise (Chung-lun), (b) , (2) the Twelve ...happen or be produced(a) in one mind-moment, or (b) in many mind-moments. But onecannot say that ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • Causality: Eternal or Momentary?

    as follows: `Sa^mkara's commentaries on the Brahma Suutra[4] and the B.rhadaara.nyaka Upani.sad:[5] ...point-instant.[35b] Existent reality is here-newness. What is is somewhere perceptible in space, "...

    Winston L. King


  • Chan Buddhism: Logical and Illogical

    forward by Yung-chia Hsuan-chueh [b] (665-713), the other by Kiangsi Tao-i [c] (709-788). The former...based its philosophy were: (a) The Maadhyamika `Saastra, or Chung-lun (the Middle Way), (b) The Dvaada...



  • Darstantika, Sautrantika and Sarvastivaldin

    literal, forms a solid basis for discussion. K'ouei Ki, Vasumitra, II, 9b (Genealogy of the sects): "The comment of the Siddhi, iv, i, 53 b, says that the Sautrantika are ...

    Jean Przyluski


  • Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words

    notice how he used it. Throughout the Shōbōgenzō, Dōgen painstakingly dissects a given passage and ...passage. One of the most rewarding aspects of translating Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō is his radical ...

    David R. Loy


  • Dereification in Zen Buddhism

    actions, one is reborn into the lower, more unpleasant realms.Sakyamuni (563-483 B.C.E.), the historical... the first century B.C.E., extended thenotion of no-self to all phenomena with the conception of "...

    Robert J. Moore


  • lending on interest and Written Loan Contracts

    Vinaya-vibhanga (Derge, 'dul ba, Cha 154b.3-155b.2) The Buddha, the ...They should not be placed among them." The monks (155b) placed them among poor ...

    Carl Bielefeldt


  • East-West Synthesis in Kitarō Nishida

    (善の研究 Zen no Kenkyū) (Tokyo: Kōdōkan, 1911 ; 2nd impression, Tokyo; Iwanami Shoten, 1921). (b) "...: (a) knowledge of the physical world, (b) knowledge of the human world, and (c) knowledge   -----...

    Matao Noda


  • Humanistic Buddhism in Tibetan Tradition

    bsngal-gyi sdug-bsngal; du.hkha-du.hkha), b) the suffering of change ('gyur-ba'i sdug-bsngal; vipari....kathaatthuppakara.na-     p. 136   a.t.thakathaa], translated by B.C. Law [London: Luzac & Co....

    James Santucci

