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    mean "painted circular linings," as rendered in S. B. E., XX, but simply "carved bowl-...formed feet attached to the back." The translation "many feet" of S. B. E. ...



  • Interpersonal Relations And Suicide Ideation In China

    Man &Leduc, 1995; de Man, Leduc, & Labreche-Gauthier, 1993a, 1993b; Lester &Schaeffler,...Labreche-Gauthier (1993b) found that adolescents withlow self-esteem or weak internal locus of control...

    Zhang J; Jin S


  • Is Zen Buddhism a philosophy?

    ---------------------------------------------------------- 9. B. Phillips, ed., Essentials of Zen ...it or ignore it when asserting that Zen is not a philosophy: or (b) that the commentators were so ...

    Rosemont, Henry, Jr.


  • Mahaayaana Buddhism and Whitehead

    further elucidation of the Buddhist idea of dependent coorigination, and, (B) by a more careful examination of Whitehead's idea of the relation between God and the world. Let us begin with (B). ...

    Masao Abe


  • Metaphysics in Dōgen

    metaphysical views represent true Buddhism. I therefore focus on the seventy-five-fascicle Shōbōgenzō 正法眼藏without implying any position about its composition or its relation to the twelve-fascicle Shōbō...

    Kevin Schilbrack


  • Morality or beyond

    tried hard to resist the force of all heterodox doctrines (yi-tuan(b) ) , notably ... 1966), vol. 2, Wai-shu(bn) [Additional works], 12:9B. 11. Philip B. ...

    Charles Wei-hsun Fu


  • Mrs. Rhys Davids Dialogue with Psychology

    in psychology with the anti-substantialist tradition of Hume.[17b] Mrs. Rhys Davids then ...Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics of the Fourth Century B.C., being A Translation, now made ...

    Teresina Rowell Havens


  • Naagaarjuna and analytic philosophy (I)

    identifying anything else? B and C are criteria for A; A and C criteria for B; and so forth. So without ...out, statements like Moore's "Here is one B   p.285   hand, and here is another,"[17] or "great ...

    Ives Waldo


  • Naval Warfare in ancient India

    the Persian Gulf and of its rivers in the 5th, perhaps even in the 6th century B.C. just as...up in southern Asia. Ceylon was colonised before the 3rd century B.C., and Burma and...

    Prithwis Chandra Chakravarti


  • Notes on a Buddhist Monastery at Bho.t Bagan in Howrah

    of the building for which I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. W. B. Gwyther, A. R. I., B. A., of the Public Works Department, who very readily complied with...

    Gaur Das Bysack

