understand China's present leadership is to study Tibet,"says Steve Marshall, another leading ...
Maura Moynihan
long time and devoting himself to study. If he is not a learned and highly moral person, ...
Xuan Zang
phase in the study and understanding of Chinese philosophy. Briefly, his contributions in this respect ...scientific procedures to the study of Chinese philosophical works. Having been trained both in ...
Wing-Tsit Chan
p. 3
In its history, the scholarly study of meditation has been the preserve of orientalists, ...study of meditational practices we ought to first clarify just what the Buddhists themselves thought ...
Teschner, George
Jeevaka's test/Buddhist. (Healing issue)
by D.K.M. Kartha Parabola
Vol.18.No.1 Spring 1993 Pp.82-83
Copyright by Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition
D.K.M. Kartha
Easternnations, one of the most remarkable facts to emerge from StephenBatchelor's fascinating study is...
Chris Arthur
derived very little indeed from their separate contributions to the study of persons. It is, ..."classic problems" in this profound and subtle study. First, there is the anattaa doctrine itself, ...
Matthew Kapstein
shan's doctrine as simply Zen. In any case, the Neo-Confucianists' study of or ...bj) Oyomei no zenteki shiso kenkyu(bk) [A study in the Zennistic thought of Wang ...
Charles Wei-hsun Fu
of the Kingdom of Chin in northern China, to establish a leading center of Buddhist study and ... early fifth century. When we study this essay, we will find that the meaning of Prajna maintained ...
Chang Chung-Yuan
Hirota's critical study, characterized by careful research and lucid exposition, is a major ...
Hirota , Dennis