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  • The Sautrantika arguments

    itself does not undergo change; but this kind of reduction is better ...anyathaatva, the mythos of a universe of peregrine dharmas, each afiiliating itself in...

    A.Charlene McDermott


  • The Sovereign All-Creating Mind

    the text within the Tibetan tradition itself. On page 24, she writes that the KBG "has at tracted the... the KBG is a radical, unorthodox text that sets itself apart from everything that preceded it. By ...

    E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay


  • The Trustworthiness of the Mahavamsa

    itself (99, 76ff.) that it was composed at Kittisirirajasiha's direction, as the Mahavamsa on ...later time in the island itself in order to legitimate its sanctity. But we stand ...



  • Translating Nishida

    into English and German. This number would in itself seem sufficient for introducing Nishida's ...speak for itself" or "what the author says" are undermined as soon as one begins to read, for reading ...

    Maraldo , John C.


  • Understanding Naagaarjunas Catuskoti

    itself in the northern countries, such as Tibet, China, and Japan, it gave rise to such off-shoots as Zen...itself), irrespective of any other considerations. D. The catu.sko.ti was used by him as a dialectic ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • Valentinian Gnosticism and Classical Saa.mkhya

    the very emanation process itself. If this is so, then Bythos need only initiate the emanations, and...creation, and His transcendence is built into the cosmological structure itself. There is also an ...

    Stephen A. Kent


  • Vasubandhu on the Vatsiputriyas fire-fuel analogy

    contrary to fact, its fuel would itself be the fire, assumes the view that an agent such... itself is what burns that fuel. Vasubandhu, however, demands a more exact account. ...

    James Duerlinger


  • A Review of Metaphysics: East & West

    necessary for us to attune ourselves to akind of organic metaphysics which lends itself to fluidityand ...itself. That is, perception includes thesubstance or elements but in addition much more content. ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism

    itself. There is also a separate article, containing a critique of Japanese historiography of esoteric ...itself. Sharf concludes, based on this appraisal of the situation that "In the final analysis, pure or ...

    Robert H. Sharf


  • On the Irrationality of Zen

    belief and practice, even while separated from its sources by centuries and schisms. It addresses itself ...all its pungency, for it is really the reason of satori itself. It is noteworthy that the knowledge ...

    Crowe, C. Lawson

