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  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    gerundive suffix [used to derive the word for effect, kaarya, from the verb for action, k.r]. [37] The ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    even the slightest good." [37] A little later in the tradition we find Kei-zan (1268-1325) writing "...pp. 37-38. For the Praj~naapaaramitaahrdaya, idem, Essays in Zen Buddhism, 3 vols. (London: Rider &...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    i of Dharmadhatu and to the "lion" asthe yung of Dharmadhatu.(37) Similarly, The Awakening ...

    Edward T. Chien


  • How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated……

    whether there is or is not damage by reasoning to the literal reading.[37] ºzong-ka-¸a ...

    William Magee, Ph.D.


  • The Phoenix Hall at Uji and the symmetries

    around it.(37) In the third month of 1052 the Main Hall was consecrated and the villa ...



  • The possibility of Oriental influence: in Humes philosophy

    Program, Winthrop College, South Carolina.) Philosophy East and West Vol.19 No.1 (1969) pp.17-37...-Confucian being "more Buddhistic than Buddhists."[37] One is reminded of numerous Buddhist ...

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • The problem of the historical Nagarjuna revisited

    nyo pi(37) The somewhat problematic text here incorporates the readings ...

    Ian Mabbett


  • The question of the importance of Samadhi

    thing, or it can be used toobtain something or to purify it.[37] He takes up each actionin turn and ...

    Comans, Michael


  • The Religious Character of the Confucian Tradition

    Confucian thought and practice is ultimately defined.[37] Given the stated veneration by the ...

    Rodney L. Taylor


  • The Roots of Zen Buddhism

    wrong view. It is cited as right "only when there is neither affirmation nor negation."[37] If ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng

