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  • 巴歌德学院组织观看佛教遗迹影片 唤醒人们佛教意识

    to arouse interest and create awareness regarding Buddhism. The presentation which was delivered by ...



  • The foundations of ecology in Zen Buddhism

    ofeach aspect of creation. This awareness, the soul of Zen Buddhist ecology,is not something most ...cultivation of spiritual awareness. For the monk, the discarded leaf testified that the master lacked ...

    Ven. Sunyana Graef


  • Metaphysics, Negative Dialectic

    inadequate to the dynamic of self-awareness, but that the processes of becoming self-conscious about human self-consciousness contribute to the resulting awareness of oneself. A person is already in the ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Control and freedom The structure of Buddhist meditation in the Paali suttas

    awareness and proceeds to a greater and greater degree of consciousness refinement. ...idiom, one has attained nibbaana. SATI AND MINDFUL AWARENESS The process of ...

    Donald K. Swearer


  • The Trimurti of Smrt in classical Indian thought

    toexist in the present memory awareness. According to the Mimamsakas, memoryor smrti is not prama ...awareness, namely, theone-pointed altered state of awareness (ekagra or samprajnata-samadhi) orthe ...

    Larson, Gerald James


  • 《宁提:至深心髓》的英文原版

    This is the unchanging state of non meditation in which there is awareness but no clinging. ...the meditator develops penetrating awareness in his practice. If he analyzes his meditation and post-...



  • 动中禅研究

    moment of awareness, the mind immediately becomes active, clear, and pure. With this active, clear, and ...Meditation the practitioner moves rhythmically with their awareness open to the movement of body and ...



  • Avoiding the Void The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism

    our primary repression is not sexual wishes, as Freud believed, but the awareness that we are going... repressed tends to return to consciousness anyway. What is not consciously admitted into awareness ...

    David R. Loy


  • Microgenesis and Buddhism: The Concept of Momentariness

    the experience of continuity, or at least the lack of awareness of discontinuity, but if all there is ...a chronon, for example [11] -- could not permit experiential awareness. We live, so to say, on a ...

    Jason W. Brown


  • No Abode: The Record of Ippen

    a profound awareness of evil karma in Shinran which is not central to Ippen. This awareness, which ...

    Hirota , Dennis

