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  • 和合僧团,正法久住——从《四分律》探究佛祖结戒本意

    The Harmony of the Theocracy, Islam Lives Long   —Study the Real Meaning of Religious Discipline ...and fetters. So, the study on Dharmaguptavinay plays an important and practical role in making the ...



  • 《妙法莲华经》“十如是”研究

    Stevenson, D. B. The Great Calming and Contemplation: A Study and Annotated of the First Chapter of ...s Commentary on the Lotus Sutra: A Study and Translation. State U. of New York, 1990.  5.Nakamura, H...



  • Japanese and American Artists in the Early Postwar Years

    II era. Many of the issues that drive his study, however, had very deep roots and fueled wide ...foreign relations includes Warren I. Cohen, East Asian Art and American Culture: A Study in International...

    Bert Winther-Tamaki


  • The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way

    Garfield is by training a philosopher who has only     p.89 lately come to the study of Tibetan, and...Streng, Emptiness: A Study in Religious Meaning (Nashville: Abingdon, 1967), p. 213. 3. David ...

    Dan Arnold,


  • When Christianity & Buddhism meet

    major study of Buddhism The Silence of God:The Answer of the Buddha (Orbis), and one of the things the ...getdeeper into Buddhist practice, Scripture study, the liturgy, and especiallythe Eucharist become not ...

    John W. Healey


  • Zen Action/Zen Person

    resort in this study to some philosophical reconstruction.In other words, by extrapolating from the...a study of millenia, a decade is not long, and Kasulis' sources are not old, but they are aging. 90%...

    Thomas P.Kasulis


  • 数字经录与时空信息的交会

    Resources supports both online GIS applications, and this study demonstrates both methods. In the long term, we hope to build a Buddhist Archive Research Platform. As the study of term extraction is the ...



  • Propagation of Buddha’s Dharma

    students to go abroad to observe situations and organize seminars to study. People’s lives flow ...people who study Buddhist doctrine with narrow minds cannot develop the living power of knowledge or ...

    Most Ven. Dr. Thich


  • 中日武术对佛学、佛教借鉴的比较研究

    --------------------------------------------------   【英文标题】A Comparative study on Buddhism employed...documentation,observation and interviews,thispaper made a comparative study on Buddhism employed in ...



  • 当代如来藏学的开展与问题

    之大成  高崎直道 1966 年的 A Study on the  Ratnagotravibhaaga (注27)及 1974 年《如来藏思想  ?形成:???大乘佛教思想研究》的出版,(注28)使... 29)及其他各书也是当  ____________________________________________________  27 Takasaki, Jikido. A Study on ...


