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  • Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand Master Hsing Yun [1]

    analysis of Humanistic Buddhism that was preached by Master Tai Xu in the 1930s and the great ...principle in his reform of Chinese Buddhism? What did he do in his endeavors to realize his goal? Did...

    Darui Long


  • Uses of Dialogues and Moral Understanding

    ------------------------------------- p. 131 In reflecting upon the Confucian, Socratic, ... theory and practice, apart from the more conceptual interest in rational reconstruction, it appears...

    Cua, A. S.


  • 四波罗夷法(Parajika)

    犯此法规的比丘必须被逐出僧团,并一生之中不能再做比丘。这是律藏里最严重的处份。1. Should any bhikkhu -- participating in the training and ...weakness -- engage in the sexual act, even with a female animal, he is defeated and no longer in communion...



  • 泰国赠送世界版《大藏经》给挪威佛教联合会(图)

    World Tipitaka Edition) to The Buddhist Federation of Norway. The scriptures are in Roman script, ...Norway last year in connection with the funeral of Princess Galyani Vadhana. The scriptures, which ...



  • Philosophical Studies (Sinology and lndology)

    ·期刊原文Philosophical Studies (Sinology and lndology) in St.petersburg (Leningrad), 1985-1990 ...     p.327   Studies in the field of history of Oriental philosophy in St. Petersburg (...

    Torchinov, E. A


  • Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightedment

    103 Enlightenment, this hope has been realized. Park has done a skillful analysis of faith in the Zen...phenomenon of Zen Buddhism without understanding how faith functions in practice and enlightenment. He ...

    Park, Sung Bae


  • Shame And Social Phobia: A Transcultural viewpoint

    TRANSCULTURAL VIEWPOINT Shame is given different meanings in various cultural contexts. In Japan, ...promoted by society. In the United States, society tends to prohibit such shame-prone behavior ...

    Okano K


  • Metaphysics, Negative Dialectic

    issues presented here, and in particular to Dr. David Griffin, Center Process Studies, for his subsequent correspondence regarding Whitehead's use of the term "individual" in relation to the terms "...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • The Haunting Fetus

    ·期刊原文 The Haunting Fetus:Abortion, Sexuality, and the Spirit World in Taiwan by Marc L. ...World in Taiwan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. viii + 206 pp. Notes, character ...



  • Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice

    ------------ Anne M. Blackburn. Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice in Eighteenth-Century Lankan... H-Buddhism (July, 2002) An Eighteenth-Century Reformulation of Theravada Buddhism in Sri ...

    Anne M. Blackburn

