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  • 昆士兰 Academy of science and mathematic参访中天寺

      2009年2月27日,澳洲昆士兰 Academy of science and mathematic70位10年级学生,在3位老师的带领下,到中天寺做宗教文化参访,妙来法师代表常住接待。   妙来法师首先在海会堂内,为大家介绍佛光山“人间佛教”的理念,以及中天寺举办佛诞节活动的意义。随后由导览义工Mr. Kum、Wayne、Ms Elaine带领师生参观寺院。   参访后,学生...



  • Bones, Stone and Buddhist Monks:

    ·期刊原文Bones, Stone and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of ...--------------------------------------------------- Schopen, Gregory. Bones, Stone and ...

    John Clifford Holt


  • Topics on Being and Logical Reasoning

    ·期刊原文Topics on Being and Logical Reasoning By Richard S. Y. ChiPhilosophy East & WestV. 24 (...paper, I have only admiration for his most scholarly treatment of the subject of logic and ontology and...

    Richard S. Y. Chi


  • Action and suffering in the Theravadin tradition

    ·期刊原文Action and suffering in the Theravadin traditionBy Ninian Smart Philosophy East and West ...the title I would of course most naturally use the words kamma and dukkha, and ...

    Ninian Smart


  • The Buddhist icon and the modern gaze

    ·期刊原文The Buddhist icon and the modern gazeby Bernard FaureCritical Inquiry Vol.24 No.46 Spring ...regard to Western images and visual culture, it is still necessary in the Asian context to ...

    Bernard Faure


  • Buddhist Doctrines of Momentariness and Subjective Idealism

    ·期刊原文 Discussion of the Buddhist Doctrines of Momentariness and Subjective Idealism in the Nyaya...the doctrines of the Madhyamika and the Yogacara schools of Buddhism. It has also ...



  • The Doctrine of Kaya in Hinayana and Mahayana

    ·期刊原文The Doctrine of Kaya in Hinayana and Mahayana By Nalinaksha DuttThe Indian Historical ... of difference between the Hinayana and Mahayana schools noticed by the ...

    Nalinaksha Dutt


  • Zen and the Art of Teamwork

    ·期刊原文 Zen and the Art of Teamwork Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.FortuneVol.132 No.13 1995.12....what I call for in my people isfull awareness and attention. That's really what Zen is allabout--...

    Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.


  • lending on interest and Written Loan Contracts

    ·期刊原文 Doing business for the Lord: lending on interest and Written Loan Contractsin the ...is in part because money and monks have had, to be sure, an unhappy history in the West -...

    Carl Bielefeldt


  • The Lamp and the Wind in Tibetan Buddhism

    ·期刊原文The Lamp and the Wind in Tibetan BuddhismBy Alex WaymanPhilosophy East and WestV. 5, No. 2 (... to Indian thought of the Bhagavad-giitaa -- the "Hindu Bible" -- and its growing popularity in the ...

    Alex Wayman

