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  • The Saddharmapu.n.dariika and Suunyataa Thought

    Sanskrit into French by the French scholar Eugène Burnouf. In 1884 the Dutch scholar Hendrik Kern ...Burnouf and Kern produced important statements on its historical formation. In subsequent years ...

    Kajiyama, Yuichi


  • The means of penetrating truth——Tien- Tai Theory of Knowledge

    University AS/EALLX·4· 2005,S.233-260 Abstract In Chih-i’s systematization of Buddhist practice, his theory of truth and knowledge plays a key role in attaining the state of Buddhahood: the ...



  • A reply to Munitz

    -------------------------------------------- p. 353 In my "Confucian Vision and Experience of the ...discussion. My aim in a way differs from Munitz'. Whereas for him the twin notions of mystery of existence ...

    A. S. Cua


  • The Buddhist Heritage

    delivered as part of a symposium of the same name held in 1985 at the School of Oriental and ...volume is the first volume in a projected series entitled Buddhica Britannica ...

    Collet Cox


  • 佛教成为荷兰国内第三大宗教 发展极为迅速

    AMSTERDAM, 27/05/09 - Buddhism has expanded in the Netherlands into the third religion after Christianity ...Buddhisation of the Netherlands, argue researchers Marcel Poorthuis and Theo Salemink in De Volkskrant. The ...



  • 大马僧人建立救助基金会 帮助斯里兰卡流离失所儿童

    Maha Vihara Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur launched the Sri Lanka Aid fund to assist some 400 orphans in an Internal Displaced Camp in Northern Sri Lanka. These children are mentally affected by the ...



  • 斯里兰卡康提佛牙节庆典将在佛牙寺盛大举行

    July 09, Kandy: The Esala festivel of the most Sacred Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy is to ...a special press briefing held in Kandy yesterday night Diyawadana Nilame said a larger than normal ...



  • 斯里兰卡总统接见澳大利亚佛教联合会主席一行

    meeting for giving opportunity to researches Utilize Ola-leave manuscripts around the country in searching original teachings of the Buddha, as well as protect Dhamma in preserving teaching of Buddha ...



  • Asian social engagement and the future of Buddhism

    Sallie B. King, eds., Engaged Buddhism: BuddhistLiberation Movements in Asia. Albany: SUNY Press, ...Buddhistleaders, the Dalai Lama of Tibet and Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (Burma).Slowly, people in the West are ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • Suzuki Daisetz as Regional Ontologist: Critical

    representative modern Japanese philos­ophical works in translation. This series has helped to introduce ...documentation here. The work under review was the first in a series of Suzuki's consecutive Japanese ...

    Dilworth, David A.

