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  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    guiding people" (). [36] The Chan masters are fully aware that they cannot avoid using language to ...maki 2 (vol. 2), pp. 36-37. 37. "" (Linji lu; see Guzunsu yulu, fascicle 4, Chanzong jicheng, vol. ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Illusionism (Maayavaada) in Late Tang Buddhism

    dealt with this elsewhere, [36] I will turn instead to his commentary on the YCC and selected a ...

    Whalen W. Lai


  • Luminary Buddhist Nuns in Contemporary Taiwan

    Religiously, Buddhism regards the difference in sexes as illusion;(36) carrying the label feminist ...study in political economy. New York: Palgrave, 111-113. Return to text. (36) For example, see Heng-...

    Wei-yi Cheng


  • Metaphysics, Negative Dialectic

    personal identity. [36] Such personal identity is important for Whitehead, because it introduces ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Mind and Morality in Nineteenth-Century

    incorrect."[36] The ritual chanting and regulation of breath, then, were specifically designed ...

    Janine Anderson Sawada


  • Modifications of The Karma Doctrine

    drought, flood, and plague" are solely the fault, dosa, of the king (ib. 90, 36). The ...



  • Momo, Dogen. and the Commodification of Time

    that's how it ought to be" (36). In old Japan he might have been regarded as a Zen master, but instead...

    Linda Goodhew and David Loy


  • Mountain deities in China:

    the wangliang (variously written as or).(36) At this early stage there seems to...

    Terry F. Kleeman


  • Naagaarjuna and deconstruction

    exactly how Naagaarjuna seeks to prove this voidness. [36] At any rate, Naagaarjuna is quite clear...

    Ian W. Mabbett


  • Names, Actualities, and The Emergence

    [36] The objections raised by Feng Youlan and Machida Saburo to the spuriousness of the Liu-...

    John Makeham

