reading of Li's Ming-tao-shuo and a study of his life has uncovered major facets of his thoughts which,... to study their works carefully. In the "concluding remark" Li said:(13)
The difference of opinions...
Bartholomew P.M TSUI
discourse into Chan Buddhism, our study will be firmly based on an examination of the relevant ...reflections drawn from contemporary Western philosophy. Faure's study contains extensive historical-...
peter D. Hershock.
ChengDepartment of the Study of ReligionsSchool of Oriental and African Studies
Journal of Buddhist EthicsV. ...just returned from a shore period of study in Hawaii. Given her unusual educational background, many ...
Wei-yi Cheng
primarily in my study of the Muulamadhyamakakaarikaas (with some account of other texts credibly attributed...interpretation of this philosophy must wait on a separate publication of the results of this study. [6] There ...
Ian W. Mabbett
date a pilgrim should still be sent to Ceylon to study Mahaayaana. Again, it has been ...Pavilion. He said:((The existence of people devoting their minds to the study of ...
Waley, Arthur
Leaving an extensive study and publication about this to Professor Toda, here for ...which the team members are affiliated, I managed to adopt this study as a subject from the new ...
Matsuda, Kazunobu
study of one particular issue occasioned by the existence of mindless trance states in ... based upon a study of the text in the language in which it was composed. The second ...
Paul Griffiths
"When you read the sutras and study scriptures, you must take all words as returning to yourself....like slandering the Buddha it is not a cultivation. To read sutras and to study the scriptures are ...
Wu Yi
Thus, it seems that a study of Buddhist hermeneutics could well be informed ... consists of essentially three journal articles: a pioneering study by Professor ...
Nathan Katz
little incentive to study once you are in -- and, of course, any personal motivation for an education... inevitably one learns to study in order to pass exams, get credit, earn degrees, win fellowships, ...
David R. Loy