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  • Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism

    Buddhism bears on issues central to the philosophy of mind. To begin, though, the first three chapters ...emotively flawed (chapters 1, 2, and 3, respectively). To state the goal of this book more generally, it is ...

    Mary Bockover


  • The Ancient Zen Master as Clown-Figure and Comic Midwife

    kooans which are said to be suitable for encouraging the experience of satori, and also for providing a test of its genuineness, is the following question attributed to Kyoogen (Hsiang Yen, ninth ...

    M. Conrad Hyers


  • The Problem of the Self in the Later Nishida and in Sartre

    crucial role of introducing Sartre to the thought of both Husserl and Heidegger, rather than Raymond Aron,...work significant for the history of philosophy, it also draws attention to the unusual life and ...

    Brian D. Elwood


  • The Reality of Altruism

    interpretation by Indian and Tibetan commentators. One of Williams' aims is to shed some light on the ...came to look rather more like the Svātantrika of the Indian Mādhyamika Bhāvaviveka. There is also ...

    Paul Williams


  • Two Traditions of India -- Truth and Silence

    cited the Laws of Manu: manuaat satya.m vi`si.syate ("Truth is superior to silence") and turned the citation to my own purpose with the implication, "Now is the time to speak out, because truth is ...

    Alex Wayman


  • 英国第一家佛教雕塑画廊正式对外开放(图)

    参观者参观思考。 该画廊于5月2日开放,免费入场。(编译:子规) THE first gallery in Britain dedicated to Buddhist sculpture opens in London this week at the Victoria and Albert Museum. It will enable the V&A to show its ...



  • 越南河内众多寺院在佛诞日期间举办慈善募捐活动

    组织了为期一周的讲座。(编译:子规) VietNamNet Bridge - Celebrations to mark Buddha’s 2553rd birthday – the most ...activities have been held to attract Buddhist followers from different pagodas around the city. Apart...



  • 美国Pataskala市Licking镇即将建造一座泰国寺院

    coming to Licking County Center talking with Pataskala officials about building project PATASKALA -- A Buddhist temple, hotel and spa could be coming to Pataskala. Representatives from the Columbus ...



  • 泰国文化部部长鼓励人们认识皈依仪式的内涵

    Ministry of Culture encourages Thai people to regard ordination ceremonies as paying gratitude to ...would drink alcohol with their guests which is not appropriate. The ordination purpose was to pay ...



  • 英国首相向英国以及全世界的佛教徒致初转法轮日祝词

    Minister has wished a peaceful Dharma Day to Buddhists in Britain and around the world. The day, which is...Buddha’s teaching, when he gave his first sermon to his original disciples after his Enlightenment. ...


