paper is to show how Humanistic Buddhism developed over 2500 years ago and has "re-become" in today's world due in part to the determined and steadfast efforts of Grand Master Hsing Yun of the Fo ...
Richard L. Kimball
ground upon which the Buddhist purification process is based. In essence, it is an attempt to have ...encounter of the Buddhist truth recorded in the bulky texts, the descriptions are invariably clothed in...
Kenneth K. Inada
An issue confronting Buddhism in the modern world is how to promote its scriptures as a ...its own followers and among interested people in general. The volume as well as the diversity of the ...
Egil Lothe
1. A verdict "in the presence of" should be given. This means that the formal act settling the issue must be carried out in the presence of the Community, in the presence of the ...
with two variant types of causal theory found in Indian philosophy in the eighth and ninth centuries....two Buddhist dialectical logicians, `Saantarak.sita and his disciple-commentator Kamala`siila, who in...
Winston L. King
Muchuu mondoo (lit. "questions and answers in dreams"), a record of the answers to questions put to the "...1317), who served as abbot of the Kenchooji, Engakuji and Joochiji in Kamakura, and then of the ...
Muso Kokushi
the articles in this issue were originally contributions to a small conference devoted to the theme...has sponsored a series of international conferences on the Lotus Sutra, all held in the beautiful ...
Reeves, Gene
·期刊原文Skillful in Means: The Buddha and the Whiteheadian God
By Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
Journal... Methodist Theological Seminary for our evening meal. The dishes were displayed before us in a ...
Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
In most countries music has developed in close affinity with religious observances. ...country. Declined to praise the role of the musician or musical content in their documents, but on ...
Ven.Inamaluwe Sri Su
enjoying a modest revival of interest in the last decade or so. The above titles are representative of ... coming to suspect that "there are more things in heaven and earth than have been dreamt of" in ...
Walter Houston Clark