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  • The mind-only teaching of Ching-ying Hui-Yuan

    the true essence, and wrongly considers dharmas arising from itself as real.(7) ...he remarks, "No realm [of being] originates from itself, but is formed by the mind."(...

    Ming-Wood Liu


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    itself without "form."(12)Therefore, although Principle is inherent in things and isactually ...has pointed out, Dharmakaya as the t'i ofBhutatathata does not of itself generate Nirmanakaya ...

    Edward T. Chien


  • The Paradox of Causality in Mādhyamika

    dissolve itself. In order to make this point, it is helpful to transpose the argument from the too-... by isolating this hypostatized mover and inquiring into its status. Nāgārjuna asks: In itself, is ...

    David Loy


  • Writings on Socially Engaged Buddhism

    tyrannies of whatever political system it found itself under. This can be ...

    Fred Eppsteiner


  • The Patna Congress and the Man

    interested in a great and long.struggle, into which monarchy itself was drawn. So our ...to disagree with itself, from the Founder's day onward. With the rise of the Mauryan ...



  • The range of Buddhist ontology

    unintended occluding of reality itself. Our lives are already burdened (...identify itself within the total nature of things (Brahman). This approach certainly ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • The Rejection of Humor in Western Thought

    foul words and foul deeds, or blows and wounds and murders, but unseasonable laughter itself.[11] ...which have been thought through it in some relation, and laughter itself is just the expression of ...

    John Morreall


  • Institutions

    discussion of how this problem manifests itself in modern Sri Lanka. More useful would ...

    Liu, Sbu-bsien


  • The Self in Medival Japanese Buddhism

    spirituality awakened to itself.(1) Anezaki (Anesaki) Masaharu (1873-1949), on the other hand... teaching of the 84,000 verses (which express truth itself). If you do ...

    Kiyotaka Kimura


  • The soul as an image of Nirvana

    with other things, and which lends itself to a metaphorical explanation?" "...

    Edward Conze

