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  • Can the East help the West to value nature

    available for export. It is difficult to tear a practice out of the world view in which it is set, and... provoke the West to reassess either its own theory or practice, resulting, for example, in a less ...

    Holmes Rolston. III


  • Candrakiirtis denial of the self

    to enter into the next. In the sixth stage, the practice of wisdom is dominant, and as part of his explanation of its practice Candrakiirti presents arguments which ...

    James Duerlinger


  • Chan (Zen) Buddhism in China--Its History and Method

    already over ninety years old and had long been famous for his dhyaana (meditation) practice and ascetic...condemned the formula of dhyaana practice taught by P'u-chi and his fellow students of the great Shen-...

    Hu Shih


  • Conflict and Harmony in Chan [a] and Buddhism

    equally illusory. The only possible practice of Tao is not to abide in anything, without any clinging...are taken into p. 294 consideration, the practice of Ch'an school and the philosophy of Idealist ...

    Jan Yun-hua


  • Confucianism and Zen (Chan)

    apprehended and appreciated in actual experience. Confucian education equally emphasizes theory and practice....and let his disciples ponder it and digest its true meaning and implication through their practice. ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • buddhist perspectives with particular reference to the theravada tradition

    demonstrated and advanced their own practice of the Buddhist Path. The laity, for their pan, took ...become involved in meditative practice, and. most important, to participate in various kinds of merit-...

    Frank E. Reynolds


  • Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and the Buddha

    Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, or about the path or the practice. Ask, monks! Do not afterwards feel ...repeated dream vision (which demands "Make music, and practice!") that Socrates composes his only ...

    Matthew Dillon


  • Don Cupitt: Christian Buddhist?

    Christianity has taken a genuine interest in the thought-world and practice of Buddhism... to Buddhist thought and practice. More than 4 decade ago, in Taking Leave of...

    Gregory Spearritt


  • Epoche and Suunyataa: Skepticism East and West

    that is the goal of skeptical practice is to be attained by the achievement of the "...practice or belief is justified because--contrary appearances ...

    Jay L. Garfield



    time in Zen is Dogen's doctrine of the unity of practice and realization, or ...from practice in that practice points directly to original realization."'(17) ...

    Steven Heine

