person with an extract from the last page of Freud's study of Leonardo (which Freud never ...history and culture. The comparative study of the child's emotional struggle with the social...
Alexandra Ourossoff
divergentinterpretations of possession there, the study of a Buddhist nunnery whereecstatic possession ...attitudes toward ecstatic possession in the Buddhistascetic context from a study of a single nunnery. ...
Nirmala S. Salgado
always the letter, of the Maadhyamika critique. A full study of the unfolding... transmission is necessary to put the present study into the proper historical ...
Whalen W. Lai
embody their ideas.
In assessing the importance of these trends in literary history, this study will...study makes no pretense of being a distillation of a common body of ideas into a common ground, nor an...
Hsin-sheng C. Kao
In the academic study ...to differentiate the Mahaayaana and the Hiinayaana are helpful in the study and ...
Jeffrey Samuels
Study of the Maadhyamika System (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1955). (Pages referred to ... being which moves, changes, is not yet Brahman, though, equally, it is not nothing. A study of the ...
Panikkar, Raymond
to establish a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, to promote the study of ... work was "the fruit of Irving Babbitt's whole life's devotion to the study of Buddhism."
Riepe, Dale
the Americas over the past few decades, the study of Japanese philosophy has remained ...academy jeopardizes the study of the most accessible area of Japanese philosophy: ...
Graham Parkes
text being heard clearly amid the fervor of prosaic study and rote chanting? Or has there been a ... the fervor of prosaic study and rote chanting? Or has there been a fundamental misapprehension of ...
Sandra A. Wawrytko
distinguished from popular religious faith. The latter will not be treated in this study. On that ...would, make Confucius' view thoroughly coherent with the traditional view of Heaven. On further study, ...
Liu, Sbu-bsien