reflects the culture that created it, and the wide divergence of expression in Buddhism is ...elucidate the mysteries of Tantric or Esoteric Buddhism. Intricate mandalas, multilimbed ...
McClelland, David
surge of interest in Buddhism in the West. A lapsed Catholic with a healthy sense of ...entertaining and comforting, and his conclusions--that a viable form of American Buddhism has ...
Donna Seaman
Klein acknowledges that Buddhism may not and probably shouldnot be asked to provide answers to ...oneanother, Buddhism offers a way to understand them as mutuallydependent, dependently arising.
Anne Carolyn Klein
known Jains.
The main thrust of Dr. Nakamura's research into Buddhism was directed toward early Buddhism. The many years that he devoted to research on this topic have borne fruit in eight volumes, ...
Sengaku Mayeda
relief upon reading the chapter on the Heart Suutra was finally to hear Buddhism being ...(the) reality that Buddhism is dangling before (our) very eyes" in this book and its ...
Richard Pilgrim
Furthermore, the congruence Suzuki found between Swedenborg and Buddhism led him away from explicit...groups.
Loy's thorough exploration of the various resemblances between Swedenborg and Buddhism ...
D. T. Suzuki
amore prosperous class of a once-dicey neighborhood. This mainstreaming ofAmerican Buddhism may prove... lit Shambala.They offer the chattering classes bodhisattvas in place of popes andangels. Buddhism ...
Will Blythe
and Pure Land Buddhism. In addition, the book is an interesting historical chronicle in that it ...philosophers' works, is Buddhism. Heisig is careful to point out that the school's interpretations of Zen ...
Diana L. Pasulka
assigns Pure Land Buddhism to its proper place in the Mahayana tradition of which Zen Buddhism is ...Frederick Franck
It may be recalled that the two major schools of Mahayana Buddhism are theMadhyamika ...
Soga, Ryojin
Buddhism, and scholars are not wanting who hold that although Ceylonese Buddhism is an...are silent about Ceylon. Buddhism certainly was introduced into Ceylon at an ...