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  • Letters as Numerals in Pali

    Buhler's Indische Palaeographie is based on the ganas of the alphabet. I give some examples, ...respectively. The use of a = 0 is not so clear. -- I am, yours faithfully, ...

    L.D. Barnett


  • A Common Buddhist Chanting in English

    (Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem) I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dhamma. I take refuge in the Sangha. (Repeat all 3 times) (Offering Chant) ...

    Henry DANG, J.P


  • 英首相布朗电贺卫赛节 望用宗教推进世界经济新秩序

    has made to society. In his message the British PM said "I wanted to take this opportunity to wish ... birth and enlightenment of Lord Buddha and I wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you ...



  • 英首相布朗电贺卫赛节 望用宗教推进世界经济新秩序

    has made to society. In his message the British PM said "I wanted to take this opportunity to wish ...birth and enlightenment of Lord Buddha and I wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you as...



  • 英国苏格兰15名僧人在阿蓝岛闭关静修四年 近日出关

    Eskdalemuir. He said: "I was interested in trying to understand what my mind is and he said to me if I ...



  • A Graeco-Buddhist Sculpture representingenting The Buddhas Descent from the Heaven of the Thirty-th...

    and horses four I came, Made visible by supernormal power, And worshipped, wonder working, ...Therigatha, 229). I quote above the beautiful rendering of Mrs. Rhys Davids, Psalms, I, p. ...

    C.L. Fabri, Leiden


  • Beat Zen, square Zen, and Zen

    Japanese and thoughJapan is now its home, Zen Buddhism is the creation of T'ang dynasty China.I do ...Zen, the samurai. Ruth Benedict, in that very uneven workChrysanthemum and Sword, was, I think, ...

    Watts Alan


  • 梵語佛典及漢譯佛典中(一)

    大般涅槃經》注中關於悉曇章的一段話。[i]後來又把探討的範圍擴大了,想談一談與悉曇章有關的一些問題。在寫作計劃中包括了論四個流音字母? ? ? ?的一章,因為在慧琳的那一段話中,這四個流音佔有很重要的...54,470 ) 中,在列舉了十二個元音a ā i ī u ū e ai o au a? a?之後,寫了一段話︰    於此十二音外,更添四字,用補巧 ( 羡林案︰應作“污”,下詳)聲、...



  • Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today

    only dimly understand. I think that Buddhism (with some help from the psychoanalytic concept of ...31 (1991) The Repression of EmptinessWhen Samuel Johnson was asked, "I wonder what pleasure men ...

    David Loy


  • Causation in the Chinese Hua-Yen Tradition

    distortion of the Indian material. The observable differences are due, I believe, to a crucial shift...this difference in negative and affirmative appreciations of emptiness, when he says, in the Hua-yen i...

    Francis Cook

