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  • Welcome to the mind-body revolution

    patients with metastatic cancer. In a now-famous study, David Spiegel, M.D., of Stanford ...., a blunt, no-nonsense biochemist, is the coauthor of a near-legendary study that ...

    Marc Barasch


  • Two Paradigms of Humanistic Buddhist Movements

    on the meaning of Buddhism today. The point of our study is to show that these two movements ...meditation movement in the early 1980s, when I returned to study it in the late 1990s I could see that ...

    George D. Bond


  • Zen and Western Psychotherapy

    standing medical criterion of death. Hence psychologyis the logos or study of the soul, ... said thatpsychology is devoted to the study of the aatman. Yet it isprecisely this aatman, at...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko


  • The Unifying of Rdzogs Pa Chen Po and Chan

    aware of these manuscripts.However, a detailed study of the translation system used fortranslating ...study.(10)According to legend, Mo ho yen was the Chinese representativeat the debate of Lhasa.(11...

    A. W. Barber


  • 中国人的“关系—信仰”模式

    Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporory Social Functions of Religion and Some of 你Their ...Society: A Study of Contemporory Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors ....



  • 试论中国传统文化对外来佛教文化的吸收

    ------------  【英文标题】A Tentative Study on the Assimilation of Outside Buddhism  Culture Into Chinese ...外来文化、进行更加广泛的信息交流中值得借鉴的。  【英文摘要】As to outside cultures when we study the valuableexperiences ...



  • 受念住的研究

    859下。   A Study of Vedana-smrty-upasthana  Lin Chung-anProfessor, National Central University Summary We study the Vedana-smrty-upasthana in the southern-spreading and northern-spreading suttas. ...



  • 对古典语文献学在当代华人佛学研究中的角色问题之省思

    深入探试的专家是J. Cabezsn 的Buddhism and Language-A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism, SUNY, 1994。《Buddhism and Language:A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism》,SUNY,1994。   8.世纪初当西藏刚接触西方文明时,整个格鲁派政教上层(即拉萨三大寺的...



  • 佛教的性教育观初探

    to study the sexuality concept of buddhism finds it has some similar concepts with modern sexuality education, further more, to study its meaning of today education finds it can supply a different ...



  • 瑜伽行派的尽所有性与如所有性

    1966 A Study on the RatnagotravibhAga (Uttaratantra), Roma: Is. M. E. O. Yeh , Ah-yueh(叶阿月) 1984 “A Study of the Theories of YAvad-bhAvikatA and Yathāvad-bhAvAikatA in the Abhidharma-samuccaya”, Journal...


