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  • 四居金仙 夙缘何在——弘一大师与亦幻法师的因缘(七)

    含注戒本疏行宗记》。  经此筹备布署,同年十月上旬,大师在五磊寺拟定《南山律学院招收学僧通告v,并以“名誉院长谛闲,院长炳瑞、安心头陀,院董静安、院务总理栖莲、律学顾问弘一”名义公布。宣布招收学僧事宜...



  • 佛法的今古对话:从“废除八敬法运动”论教义的解释

    iii.《增支部》〈六法品,阿罗汉经〉。  巴利藏《Pali Text Societ》PTS.V i.《巴利律》〈大品〉。  巴利藏《Pali Text Societ》PTS.V ii.《巴利律》〈小品〉。  巴利藏《Pali Text Societ》PTS.V iii.《巴利律》〈比丘戒〉。  巴利藏《Pali Text Societ》PTS.V iv.《巴利律》〈比丘戒〉。  泰藏...



  • 青海乐都瞿昙殿壁画内容辨识

    金刚虽残,但与宝光殿第1V幅壁画姿势、身色、持物等均非常接近,可以参照。  V.身红色,三面三目六臂。主面面容宁静,左面白色,右面青黑。宝冠中央有梵文字母om。二主臂结法界定印;其余诸臂中,上左手持钩...庄严,发绺垂肩。六臂,上左手持莲花,中左手把弓,下左手举至胸前作手印;右手分别持剑、握箭、作与愿印。  v.黄色身相、菩萨形。六臂,上左手拈莲花,中左手握弓,举下左手当胸持梵箧;右手分别持剑、握箭、作...

    谢继胜 谬肠


  • Against Immaculate Perception

    by such great philosophers as Vācaspati and Gaṅgeśa inside Nyāya and by Kumārila and &#...classify inferences into three kinds. But Vātsyāyana as well as Jayanta and others have taken all five ...

    Chakrabarti, Arindam


  • Apropos of Feigls Critique of Intuition

    West V. 12 (1962) pp. 163-173 Copyright 1962 by University of Hawaii Press --------------------...i.e., by the conversion and reversal of the natural tendency of human organisms.   V.CONCLUSION ...

    Kumataro Kawada


  • A Short Account of the Wandering Teachers at the Time of the Buddha

    Anguttara Nikaya (P.T.S.), Vol. V pp. 120-121.3. Ibid., Vol. V, p. 230.4. Ibid., Vol. I, p. 185.5. Ibid., Vol. II., pp. 29 and 176.6. Ibid., Vol. V, p. 193.7. Ibid., Vol. V, p. 196.8. Anguttara Nikaya, Vol....

    Bimala Charan Law M.A. C.C.S.


  • ART. XV. -- Buddhist Gnosticism, the System of Basilides

    Buddha are unknown in India until the first century A.D. (v. pls. xxv and ...trade with India under Augustus, v. Mommesen's masterly account in the " Provinces of ...

    J. Kennedy


  • Buddhist and Western Philosophy

    ·期刊原文 Buddhist and Western Philosophy Edited by Nathan Katz. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. 491. $ 42, Reviewed by Charles S. Prebish Philosophy East & West V....

    Nathan Katz


  • Copernican Reversal: The Giitaakaaras Reformulation of Karma

    punarjanma). It appears as an importation from K.satriya wisdom (confer, Chaand. V, 3) which, at ...action. These are the links between kaama and punarjanma (confer, ibid. IV, 4, 6). Chaand V, 10, 7-8 ...

    Richard De Smet, S. J.


  • Emptiness and moral perfection

    suabhaava than the medieval substance, cf. Metaphysics, V.8, VII.1-6, 16-17. ... he perceives that it could be for the well-being [of others] (V.83-84).(10) In ...

    Luis O. Gomez

