Feminism and World Religions
By Jordan Paper
Philosophy East and West v.51 n.1(January 2001)
Copyright 2001 by The University Press of Hawaii
Feminism and ...
Jordan Paper
Introduction: The Lotus Sutra and Process Thought
By Reeves, Gene
Journal of Chinese Philosophy v.28 p355-356
Blackwell Publishers on behalf of the International Society for Chinese ...
Reeves, Gene
Fausboll, vol. V, p. 460) the gathas 2-4 are introduced by the words:Itoparam ... The same applies to No. 533 (Fausboll, vol. V, p. 341), where 23 Gathas are ...
M. Winternitz
·期刊原文 Book Review
Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections
By Mary Tiles
Philosophy East and West v. 50 n.2 (April 2000)
Copyright 2000 by ...
Mary Tiles
that, for Gotama, the self was a process. Even T.R.V. Murti, although he disagrees with Mrs. Rhys ...IV, and V translated by F. L. Woodward (London: Pali Text Society, 1917, 1922, 1925, 1927, 1930).
Teresina Rowell Havens
padatas caiva Pandava / Vistir navas cras civa desika iti castanam // Ch. 59. v. 41....Hellenistic monarchies of Syria, Egypt, Cyrene, Macedonia and Epirus. We agree with Dr, V. A...
Prithwis Chandra Chakravarti
·期刊原文Nishida's Early Pantheistic Voluntarism
Dilworth, David
Philosophy East and West V.20 P35~...absolute will," the union point of ởv (being) and μηởv (nonbeing), for the a priori of the ...
Dilworth, David
things as come to be by way of cause.(v.422.)
and Adhimutta :
To him who seeth as...sequel of our acts, To such an one can come no fear, O chief.(v.716).
In the ...
Rhys Davids, Caroline A.F.
·期刊原文Process Metaphysics and Hua-yen Buddhism;A Critical Study of Cumulative Penetration vs. Interpenetration
By David Applebaum
Philosophy East and West
V.34 (1984) P107~108
Copyright 1984 by...
David Applebaum
Das explores the relation between pitta and agni in Aryuveda. R. V. Joshi writes on ...
Frank J. Hoffman