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  • 文殊师利与神圣菩萨崇拜

    bodhisattva ideal lies at the very heart of Mahaayaana Buddhist doctrine and practice, in many respects its historical development remains obscure. In an attempt to shed some light on this, the following paper...



  • Remembering Dr. Hajime Nakamura

    deterioration in Dr. Nakamura, who had hardly ever been known to fall ill. Confined to a wheelchair, he continued to lecture at Eastern Institute and to fulfill his commitments. In failing health and ...

    Sengaku Mayeda


  • 汉巴经典之比较性分析─略说电子标记的问题

    研究者从两经结构性的差异获得较具体的标志,以探讨巴汉文献汇编的相同与相异之处。   关键词:1.阿含经 2.巴利文阿含经 3.比较性分析 4.电子佛典5.标记   Issues in the...  After presenting the two textcorpora in digital form, and linking them by a comparative catalogue,...



  • Art and identity: The rise of a new Buddhist imagery

    Ambedkar While Buddhism arose in India and was an important religion in the history of the subcontinent, its adherents at the time of Indian Independence in 1947 were few. Indeed, the faith at ...

    G.M. Tartakov


  • Contingency and the Time of the Dream

    Japanese philosopher Kuki Shūzō "in the shade of German philosophy" -- an aspect that represents what one could call Kuki's "French side." Kuki stayed in Europe from 1921 to 1929. He spent the first three ...

    Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten


  • Plotinus and Vijnanavada Buddhism

    -------------------------------------------- Thomas McEvilley is Professor in the Institute for ... mentalist-idealist aspect. Plotinus himself vacillates between these two emphases in such a way ...

    McEvilley, Thomas


  • Transcendence East and West

    This amounts to an exercise in cultural typing which, it cannot be emphasized too strongly, is meant ... in those differences, which reduces to differing attitudes towards transcendence: the distinction ...

    David R. Loy


  • Understanding Naagaarjunas Catuskoti

    itself in the northern countries, such as Tibet, China, and Japan, it gave rise to such off-shoots as Zen...an impact on the development of Hindu thought, as can be seen in the work of `Sa^nkara. [4] He thus ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • Buddhism: A Cultural Perspective

    LaFleur's book on Buddhism is a useful addition to the new Prentice-Hall Series in World Religions. ...and Robert Ellwood. In his foreword Ellwood describes the two distinguishing aspects of the series: (...

    LaFleur, William R


  • 泰国世界佛教徒友谊会赠送金佛给日本灵云院 以示感谢

    世界佛教徒友谊会把捐赠的救济品送给灾民。(编译:子规) Reiun-in Temple, a sub-temple of Myoshinji Temple, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, has just received a golden statue of Buddha from the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) based in ...


