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  • Buddhism Blossoms in French Wine Country (Ste. Foy La Grande, France)

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism Blossoms in French Wine Country (Ste. Foy La Grande, France) by Thomas C. Fox National Catholic Reporter Vol.29 No.34, Pp.11-13, July 16 COPYRIGHT National Catholic Reporter ...

    Thomas C. Fox


  • Buddhism in Huxleys Evolution and Ethics:

    (29) Huxley on the other hand found "the acme of Buddhistic philosophy" beyond ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Buddhism, Modernization, and Science

    all capable of verification, so it is argued, through the development of the mind" (p. 29). In ...

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • Buddhist approaches to abortion

    which one also sees some of the more traditionalJizo images [29]. An American Buddhist Response to...1974), pp. 169 and 265-266. [29] While I have stressed the positive religious value of the mizuko ...

    R. E. Florida


  • Buddhist functionalism--instrumentality reaffirmed

    then have the Pali Canon's famous Raftmetaphor. [29] The whole point of the analogy is that it ...

    David, Scott


  • Buddhist Theory of Meaning (Apoba) and Negative Statement

    excludes those blue things which are not lotuses.[29] Thus, it signifies the exclusion of the non-blue and ...

    Dhirendra Sharma


  • Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia

    self-will is seen as running counter to the reliance on other power demanded by the Amida faith.[29] ...maki 6, dan 2). 28 Kurita, Ippen Shonin. 29 Ohashi, Ippen, pp. 107ff. 30 Mori Ogai, ...

    Carl B. Becker


  • Causality As Soteriology

    justified.(29) They are not "objective laws" inthe world nor in society, but just the subjective ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • Causality: Eternal or Momentary?

    Brahman "enters into" (i.e., shares in the increase and decrease of) its own creation,[29] participates...

    Winston L. King


  • Chan and Taoist Mirrors:

    Baltimore, Maryland, December 29, 1982. 1. The importance and use of mirror as a symbol for the ...

    Dan Lusthaus

