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  • 居美老挝僧人哀悼Somdy Soumano Soupanya法师

    Buddhists gathered on Sunday to pay their final respects to a beloved spiritual leader and one of the...Nashville — a temple he founded in early 1990s. He would see it grow from humble beginnings to a thriving ...



  • Reflections on the attention given to mental construction

    ----------- p. 71 "Causality" has been analyzed in a number of ways for a variety of ...the term "cause" in everyday speech. Another has been a consideration of the logical necessity in a ...

    Frederick Streng


  • The Svabhaavahetu in Dharmakiirtis Logic

    concept of svabhaavahetu is a major contribution of Dharmakiirti to Buddhist and Indian logic. In the case of a svabhaavahetu the invariable relation of pervasion between the probans and probandum is based ...

    Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti


  • 唯识书目略举(下)

    元年,A.D.1706-1781)撰述于江户时代。现刊:日本大藏经(27)、大正藏(68)。   2. 《摄大乘论要抄》二卷   宣有撰述于江户时代。现写:龙谷(2434.9)。   3. 《摄大乘论本条个》   佐伯定胤、保阪玉泉撰述于大正九年(A.D.1920)。现刊:国民文库刊行会刊。  4. 汉译四本对照《摄大乘论》附西藏译《摄大乘论》   佐木月樵佐(明治八年~大正十五年,A.D....



  • Buddhist reductionism

    ratherEliminativist.[1] Others suggest that while certain of theAbhidharma schools might have held a...Reductionist in character.[2] It is something of a clicheamong scholars of Buddhist and comparative ...

    Mark Siderits


  • The Ancient Zen Master as Clown-Figure and Comic Midwife

    a test of its genuineness, is the following question attributed to Kyoogen (Hsiang Yen, ninth century) and provided with commentary by Mumon Ekai (Wu Men Hui K'ai, 1183-1260): (Zen) is like a man up...

    M. Conrad Hyers


  • 因明辩经问答预习格式

    因明辯經問答預習格式 林崇安(內觀雜誌第 期,2006) 一、熟習定言因明論式與假言因明論式 【一】定言三段論法〔基本格式〕攻方:A,是B嗎?守方:同意。攻方:凡B都是C嗎?守方:同意。攻方:A,應是C,因為是B故。因已許!周遍已許!守方:同意。 〔例〕攻方:聲音,是所作性嗎?守方:同意。攻方:凡所作性都是無常嗎?守方:同意。攻方:聲音,應是無常,因為是所作性故。因已許!...



  • Dhyana: The long, pure look

    integral length: part of the process, not necessarily a measureof time. Dhyana here spans a spectrum from ...clearand whole and round as a drop of water. What is common to them all is onlythat at some point you are ...

    Padma Hejmadi


  • Translation:The world of Tibetan Buddhism

    -------------------------- There is a general agreement that poetry cannot be translated from ...as a whole functions like poetry? What guarantee is there forbelieving that we evoke the same ...

    Geshe Thupten Jinpa


  • Religion And Moral Meaning In Bioethics

    could be givento explain, let alone give meaning to such an event? Several years ago, Ideveloped a friendship with a young couple who were anxiously awaiting thebirth of their first child. What ...

    C.S Campbell

