that all terms are meaningless, including those in the assertion itself. The ... possesses an intrinsic nature] itself possesses no intrinsic nature, and it ...
Malcolm D. Eckel
, i.e.,therealm of ch'ing,as a whole in itself. This can only take theform of governing (chih) , ...ch'ing, then his activity is close to li. Hsing manifests itself (hsiang)(aq) in identity ...
granted today is better understood as the problem itself. Buddhism can help us to see that, and to ...engineering create more problems than they solve.
This is not a criticism of wealth itself: as in the Bible...
David Loy
Buddhist groupsof a strikingly different type. Because the transmission itself isunderwritten by the ...bachelor's degrees. Statistics compiledby the Soka Gakkai itself show a wide range of educational ...
Jan Nattier
together with the repetitive, ritualistic behavior which tends to become an end in itself and a diversion ...words, to find the power and the glory in the self-corrective process itself.
The distinctive thing...
Nolan Pliny Jacobson
Ethics, but for the earlier period it confines itself entirely to the reports of the ...like the Niddesa itself to Sariputta. It probably belongs to the same stratum of ...
E. J. Thomas
important terms one by one. First of all, the name of the interlocutor itself is highly ... Paa.nini. As for the key-word Na.ta itself, the succeeding sentence proves ...
Wijesekera, O.H. De. A.
probably predates Buddhism itself, but is made very explicit in the teachings of the buddha.[13] In ...wrong in and of itself, but that the disciple who wanted so strongly to see the Pure Land was doubtless...
Carl B. Becker
experience seems to show that athing or event is never found by itself alone, but ...cannot cause itself.If a thing causes itself, it is the subject and the object atthe same time. But ...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
of the effect upon something other than itself. Causal relation is nothing more than this obligatory ...exactly in Humean spirit. For Hume, it is only the mind that spreads itself on external objects and ...
Francis Cook