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  • Topics on Being and Logical Reasoning

    paper, I have only admiration for his most scholarly treatment of the subject of logic and ontology and have greatly benefited from it. On one hand, I do not have any point to make in disagreement with ...

    Richard S. Y. Chi


  • Zen and karman

    In this article I will discuss the relationship between such realization and the ...spiritual attainment. I It would seem plausible to suppose that if the scope ...

    Louis Nordstrom


  • 导师的话︰佛法所以超乎世间法

    Master Yin-Shun While doing research I have been emphasizing onepoint very much: What is it that ...angles · First, inBuddha's time there was a pe rfect system, i · e ·the vinaya · After it was ...



  • 上座部比丘尼僧团重建探讨(一)

    传授的依据。第三,回应传统论者所提出的戒律论点,并简述如何使戒法的传授与戒律的规定调和一致。  二、正反意见的论述  I.反对恢复比丘尼戒法传授的证据  尽管佛教僧侣受戒,从来就不是追求心灵修炼与成就...形式的出家生活,她们被剥夺了古代圣典所规定正统僧团受戒的权利。  (I)比丘尼僧团在三阶段的角色  出家受戒成为比丘尼需要经过三个阶段:出家或受沙弥尼戒;准备接受具足戒前的式叉摩那学戒阶段;具足戒。保守...



  • Book Review Imagining Karma: Ethical Transformation

    vegetarianism (ahimsa in India)--as well as to "endoanthropophagy" (i.e., endocannibalism). Like any ...horizontal line and the other world below (i.e., showing it as Hades rather than Heaven). The diagram ...

    Gananath Obeyesekere


  • On the Irrationality of Zen

    cognition in the usual sense. It is not an ordinary sort of experience which can be shared -- i.e., ...twenty-fourth year I was staying at the Eiganji (temple) in the province of Echigo where I practiced ...

    Crowe, C. Lawson


  • Supposed Greek Sculpture at Mathura

    Journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVol. XLIV:I, p. 212-215 --------------------------------------...by James Prinsep, and has prevailed to the present day, though I believe it can now ...

    F.S. Growse, M.A., B.C.S.


  • 回鹘文佛教譬喻故事及其特色——以回鹘文《折叱王的故事》为例(2)

    228. yalïn täg köz-i qaraqï yalïnayu tägz-in- 火焰 般 眼珠 发光 旋转 ...包围 围绕 233. [i]lti-lär ärgäi · anča söz-läyü turur ärkä...



  • 宗义宝鬘(1)

    (Grub-mtha'i rnam-gzhag thub bstan lhun-p、'i mdzes rgyan)、版本、出版时地不详。  24.陈庆英撰『土观·却吉尼玛及其《颐和园礼赞》』 (《...。  27.布顿(Bu-st、n,1290-1364)著,郭和卿译,《佛教史大宝藏》 (Ch、s-'byung gsung-rab rin-p、-che'i mdz、d) 。北京,民族出版社,...



  • A Chinese Buddhist Water Vessel and Its Indian Prototype

    I CHING, ONE OF THE SEVERAL CHINESE pilgrims to the holy places of Buddhism in India, ...follows: "The vessel should be made so that the tip always connects with [i.e.is permanent- y fixed to, ...

    Artibus Asiae

