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  • Indian sources on the possibility of a pluralist view of religions

    religions," though no religion,including Buddhism, has consistently lived up to these truths.[29] A ...

    Judson B. Trapnell


  • Investigations of the Self

    time-bound, enjoyment-seeking, and, consequently, as dissatisfied. [29] Elements of empirical ...

    Joel J. Kupperman


  • Li Chun-Fus theory of Harmonization of the three teachings

    Forms"(29);In Lao Tzu's saying "There was something formless yet complete,that existed before ...

    Bartholomew P.M TSUI


  • Keats and Zen

    little time annihilated." [29] And in the passage on the "Pleasure Thermometer" in Endymion, Keats ...

    Benton, Richard P.


  • Liang Shuming and Henri Bergson on intuition

    ancient philosopher, a `whole sympathetic to itself'."(29) Accordingly, it possesses a ...

    Yanming An


  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    robe defines the reality of the person. [29] Thus the radical Chan emphasis on non-reliance upon words...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Illusionism (Maayavaada) in Late Tang Buddhism

    lineages in Naalandaa. [28] The data are fairly confused and complicated. [29] For that reason. I ...Bhavaviveka too nihilistic; see note 29 herein. 32. See Hakeda, Awakening of Faith, pp. 41, 55, for the ...

    Whalen W. Lai


  • Luminary Buddhist Nuns in Contemporary Taiwan

    and different Buddhist traditions in other countries.(29) It is out of such constant changing ... 146. Return to text. (29) Wang, Shunmin. 1995 (July). "Dangdai Taiwan Fojiao Bianqian Zhi Kaocha....

    Wei-yi Cheng


  • Collins, Parfit, and the problem of personal identity

    setting of Buddhist thought" (pp. 29-84),     p.294   a setting which includes much of the ...

    Matthew Kapstein


  • Metaphysics in Dōgen

    abiding in its phenomenal expression, realizes completeness." [29] "Flowing is completed at just this...

    Kevin Schilbrack

