considered dead. Now Buddhism admits situations (such as meditative trances or hypothermia) in ...it can be said that the body is not yet dead. In other words, Buddhism does not equate life with ...
Carl B. Becker
"the notion of the kenotic God opens up for Christianity a common ground with Buddhism...by sharing with Buddhism the realization of absolute nothingness as the essential basis ...
Harold Kasimow
Thurman has been called the Billy Graham of American Buddhism, theFlorenz Ziegfeld of the Tibetan ...best known for an anthology of key Buddhist texts"Essential Tibetan Buddhism" (HarperCollins), and "The...
Daniel B. Wood
Loving the World as Our Own Body:The Nondualist Ethics of Taoism, Buddhism and Deep Ecology...relevant insights of Taoism, Buddhism, and deep ecology. All three of these perspectives avoid the ...
David Loy
contribution to our knowledge of Pure Land Buddhism. It consists of an excellent introduction (pp. 11-59) by the author, placing Ippen within the stream of Japanese Buddhism, and a competent, sometimes ...
Hirota , Dennis
interested in the comparative study of religious belief. Buddhism, as a refuge of ...focused on the debate about Buddhism's alleged "atheism" and its place in ...
Todd T. Lewis
monks is a result of the"commercialization of Buddhism," she says. In a recent article in theBangkok ...Buddhism and capitalism will never fit together easily. "Isee a connection between the boom and the ...
Yvan Cohen
Buddha. In the latter half of the T'ang dynasty, when the various schools of Chinese Buddhism began ... Buddhist texts. Few of the major texts of Chinese Buddhism have been subject to the same kind of ...
Carl Bielefeldt and Lewis Lanc
illusory, the problem of causation received scant attention. But in early Buddhism, ...ticcasamuppaada; Skt., pratiityasamutpaada) is the central philosophy of early Buddhism. ...
David J. Kalupahana
original" or core Buddhism, is the pure existentialism of dispassionate ...Canon? Has this developed Buddhism totally forgotten the explicit mandate of its ...
Winston L. King