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  • Original insights never fully present

    beyond oppositions (Derrida 1972b: 56)." Period. If you don't already know what "the ... p. 433b cannot follow p. 455a in the source text. It is unfortunate that ...

    Stuart Sargent


  • Perceptions of HIV/AIDS and caring

    workers as shown inChandeying, 1992a 1992b; 1992c; Lyttleton, 1994; Maticka-Tyndale et al., 1994; ... 5-9. CHANDEYING, V. ET Al. (1992b). Assessment of the effect of group educationand peer counsellor...

    Songwathana P; Manderson L


  • Philosophy for an age of death

    oppositions. B. Philosophy for an `Age of Death' Science for Heidegger and ...advent in a resolute though subdued manner. B. Nishitani's Analysis of Science and Religion ...

    Steven Heine


  • Problems of Religious Pluralism

    not transcended byanything other than itself"(8). As Sumner B. Twiss suggests,"a recognition of ...Or, as Sallie B. Kingstates, "The mind or Buddha nature is not a thing whichperceives, but the...

    Jung H. Lee


  • Reference and symbol in Platos Cratylus and kuukais Shojijissogi

    Kooboo Daishi(b)) (A.D.774-835) is one of the pillars of Japanese culture. He has left us with ...



  • Reflections on the attention given to mental construction

    as an (even momentarily) sustained entity? and (b) what are the identifiable concurrent occasions ...

    Frederick Streng


  • Reflections On World Peace Through Peace Among Religions

    from other religious traditions: Mohammed Arkoun, Eugene B. Borowitz, Shu-hsien Liu, Masao Abe, and...

    Liu, Shu-hsien


  • Religious belief in a Buddhist merchant community

    has existed since the time of the Buddha (Lewis 1993b) and upon the Newar merchants' ... especially recognized between husbands and wives (Lewis 1994b). Thus a ...

    Todd T. Lewis


  • Rethinking God and Buddhism

    China at the time of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 a.d.), Indian Buddhism immediately confronted ...

    Gu, Linyu


  • Rethiking Transendence

    culture. B. Transcending Language Relatively: T. P. Kasulis. Sensitivity to ...language plays in the constitution of that community. B. Language in Zen ...

    Dale S. Wright

