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  • Religious debate as a rhetorical strategy

    ·期刊原文The `Three Doctrines Discussions' of Tang China: Religious debate as a rhetorical strategy by Mary M. Garrett Argumentation & Advocacy Vol. 30 No. 3 Winter.1994 Pp.150-161 Copyright ...

    Mary M. Garrett


  • TheAuthorship of Nyayapravesa

    4. For his thing-in-itself, see Stcherbatsky, Nirvana, pp. 153, 154, 161; for his ...

    A. Berriedale Keith


  • The Buddhist Wheel of Life from a New Source

    Professor Rhys Davids's "American Lectures," pp. 120, 155-161, where previous ...

    Louis de la Vallee Poussin


  • The possibility of religious pluralism

    ·期刊原文The possibility of religious pluralism: a reply to Gavin D'Costa(response to article in Religious Studies, vol. 32, 1996, p. 223)John Hick Religious StudiesVol.33 No.2 (June 1997)Pp.161-166...

    John Hick


  • The religious import of Confucian philosophy

    have made. p161 him to lapse into living the life of a beast. He also observed that there is a ...

    Liu, Sbu-bsien


  • The World and the Individual in Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy

    p.161 a twofold structure. That is, it has the aspect of the differentiation of the knower and the...

    Yoshifumi Ueda


  • Time in Patanjalis Yogasuutra

    161ff. 3. In a general way the question of the relation between the Yogasuutra and Buddhism had ...

    Klaus K. Klostermaier


  • Transcendence East and West

    of a life after death." (161) The Indian preference for negative expressions (e.g., "The atman is ...

    David R. Loy


  • Transformation of Buddhism in China

    East, Vol. XLIX (London: Oxford University Press, 1894), Pt. II, pp. 1-72, 89-103, and 161-201, ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Two Main Streams of Thought in Yogacara Philosophy

    compound -vij~naanapari.naama -     p. 161 cannot be found in either Maitreya's or Asa^nga's ...

    Yoshifumi Ueda

