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  • Causality in the Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika school

    Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1846-1863). 21. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, 8th ed., Book ...

    Francis Cook


  • Compassion: An East-West comparison

    18th-century EuropeanEnlightenment, the tools for analytic philosophy were finely forged with ...

    Patricia Walsh-Frank


  • Control and freedom The structure of Buddhist meditation in the Paali suttas

    Luzac & Co., 1899-1959), 4th ed., 2:329 (hereafter cited as Dialogues). 18 The...

    Donald K. Swearer


  • Dimensions of Indian Buddhism

    the distinguished Buddhologist Th. Stcherbatsky proclaimed that "From the Indian standpoint. ...

    Jan Yun Huan


  • Divergence, convergence: Buddhist-Christian encounters.

    intertwining of similarities amid differences. One of the pioneers in the 20th-century ...

    Leo D. Lefebure


  • Existential and Ontological Dimensions of Time in Heidegger

    fromthe stand-point of Japan's foremost 20th century speculativephilosopher Nishida Kitaro (1870-...

    Steven Heine


  • Foundations of Ethics and Practice in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism

    pleasure is the seed of future suffering." A gāthā says: Practice fortune and wisdom together / and ...

    Charles B. Jones


  • How mystical is Buddhism?

    ethos of the 19th century West, and today, in apost-colonial era, remain nearly as widespread as ever. ...

    Roger R. Jackson


  • How not to criticize Nāgārjuna

    significant ones can be lumped into one of two major categories. The more classical readings are those of Th...

    David Loy


  • Humanistic Buddhism in Tibetan Tradition

    Bodhicaryaavataara, a work composed sometime in the 8th century C.E. in India. What motivates much of ...

    James Santucci

