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  • Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Role of Self-Control Strategies

    strategies represent a therapeutic model which treats the person as his/her agent of change, rather than as the recipient of externally imposed interventions. This Buddhist approach can make a valuable ...

    Padmal de Silva


  • Canadian government and Jodo Shinshu Buddhism during the Pacific War,1941-1945

    ·期刊原文 A test of religious tolerance: Canadian government and Jodo Shinshu Buddhism during the ...ministers and adherents between1941 and 1945 unfolded against the backdrop of a bigger drama ...

    Akira Ichikawa


  • Paradox and Enlightenment in Zen Dialogue

    a recent article in this journal [1], Dr Chung-ying Cheng discussed the seemingly paradoxical use of language in Zen dialogues and suggested a means for understanding this paradoxical quality. The "...

    Philip J. Bossert


  • The Deconstruction of Buddhism

    What is interesting about Buddhism, from a deconstructive point of view,is that it is both onto-theological (therefore what-needs-to-be-deconstructed) and deconstructive (providing a different ...

    David R. Loy


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    attempt a definition of the "mind-only" and "one-mind" doctrines of Mahaayaana Buddhism in terms of ... discriminatory meaning if there is no objectivity to define a contrast to mind-only, and no ...

    David Drake


  • How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts

    ·期刊原文 How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts: A Reader-Response Study and Translation of the Mou-tzu Li...University of Hawaii Press   p.426 The Mou-tzu Li-huo lun purports to be a dialogue ...

    John P. Keenan


  • Causation in the Chinese Hua-Yen Tradition

    existence has served for over a thousand years as the metaphysical presupposition of Zen and Pure ...things can only be understood in terms of the how of things, and in its portrayal of reality as a ...

    Francis Cook


  • Nishidas Early Pantheistic Voluntarism

    with the publication in 1911 of Zen no kenkyū [A Study of Good] and was coextensive with the Taishō ...publication in 1927 of Hataraku mono kara miru mono e [From the Acting to the Seeing], a work which showed a ...

    Dilworth, David


  • The rationalist tendency in modern Buddhist scholarship

    ·期刊原文The rationalist tendency in modern Buddhist scholarship: A revaluation By Sungtaek ...------------------------------- p.426 Is Buddhism a philosophy or a religion? My answer to this ...

    Sungtaek Cho


  • 丝绸之路上的佛寺古刹巡礼(1)

      丝绸之路上的佛寺古刹巡礼   河南   白马寺   位于九朝古都洛阳市东10公里,相传建于东汉孝明帝永平十一年(A.D.68)(有作永平十年(A.D.67)者),距今已有1900多年历史...》、陶弘景《真诰》、郦道远《水经注》、杨炫之《洛阳伽蓝记》、魏收《魏书·释老志》等古籍都有记载。   据史载,略谓东汉永平七年(A.D.64),汉明帝夜梦金人飞绕殿庭,翌日问群臣,太史傅毅奏答“臣闻...


