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  • The Lotus Sutra and SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

    unification of the three truths": Lotus Sutra advocates for itself the philosophy of the unification of the ...absolutely shouldn't allow itself to be centered on party's policies. In all circumstances, it should ...

    He Jingsong


  • The Lotus Sutra and Whiteheads Last Writings

    necessity of adopting skillful means shows itself as soon as the existential structure of ...complex fact in its immediate present. In itself a pattern is neither good nor bad. But every pattern ...

    Grange, Joseph


  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    but is posited of existence itself. We are talking here of a narrative or mythico-ritual narrative ...the act itself, the agent, the scene, the agency (i.e., instrument), [10] and the purpose. [11] The ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    . T. Suzuki writes: "morality is always conscious of itself; it speaks of decisions and individual ...is clearly recognized within the tradition itself: both Chiang Chih-chi and Doogen, for instance, ...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • Yogaacaara Buddhism and Husserl

    fundamental role, separating itself from the elements of any particular consciousness and ... the quality of fruit and... it itself lodges in these dharmas in the quality of ...

    M. J. Larrabee


  • The place of Buddhism in Santayanas moral philosophy

    Although intent does not rest upon any moralprinciple, being itself the basis of moral principles, it ...existence is necessarily in flux and is centred in some arbitrary moment, it itself exists only by ...

    John Magnus Michelsen


  • The Problem of Induction in Indian Philosophy

    appeal to inference to justify inference itself is to enter into a vicious regress. Testimony (`sabda) is... that is incorrect, for the universal itself is not demonstrated (anupapatti)... Nor is it possible ...

    Roy W. Perrett


  • The putative fascism of the Kyoto School and the political

    through India and Indo-China to China itself, and the Russians were laying claim to ...understandable in the circumstances) in Japan's ability to defend itself and to establish...

    Graham Parkes


  • The question of the importance of Samadhi

    as to bring about the state ofsamadhi. Samadhi itself has two stages, samprajana samadhi,or an ...in which state the Self remains solelyin and as itself without being hidden by external,...

    Comans, Michael


  • Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra

    message itself. The form of the presentation, a logical unfolding of the enlightenment process, ...message itself, an expression of the fourth and fifth levels of Creative Hermeneutics. The author or ...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko

