in people the desire to venerate and worship him. Furthermore, up to the present time, his ... in our era, considered as the summit of scientific civilization, Buddha’s teachings illuminate much...
Most Ven. Dr. Thich
great episode. In 1954, Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and India prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, ...Buddhist circle visited India in active response. The preparatory efforts were vigorously supported by both...
between 3 and 5 July at Emmanuel College, Cambridgeinaugurated an important new phase in the ...contemporarythought, especially in the fields of philosophy and psychology. The use ofBuddhism to think through ...
Peacocke, John; Berry, Philipp
A "Nonreferential" View of Language and Conceptual Thought
in the Work of Tson-kha-pa...----------------------------
C. W. Huntington, Jr., is a graduate student in Far Eastern Languages ...
C. W. Huntington, Jr.
suggest caution in the subsequent analysis. The Eastern views offered are typically both old and religious...natural sciences help us to value nature, but in any case the West needs to value nature in the midst of...
Holmes Rolston. III
ch'i is mentioned in three different places in the Mencius, [3] but it is in the third reference that..."passion-nature" to denote its being a part of man's constitution and its difference from, and in&...
Huang, Siu-chi
The Confucian culture, rich in its contents and great in its ... the medical workers and thus became prominent in Chinese traditional medical ethics. Hence,...
Guo Z
Perhaps the most dramatic refutation has come from psychology, in Freud's demonstration that our ego-...presence is found in the Avataṃsaka Sūtra of Mahāyāna Buddhism: Indra's Net.
Far away in the ...
David Loy
due to our perception by mind as Hui Neng suggested [1] Similarly, the source of motion and change in the world could be seen as inherent in the nature of a thing or as imposed on a thing from an ...
Cheng, Chung-Ying
THEY may be the only people in the...singer.
But they have now emerged from their self-imposed island exile and returned to a base in Scotland...