Tranquillity in disturbance means perfection. [26]
Here "tranquillity in disturbance" (or "Peace-in-Strife" [...Tzu's Conception of Evil," Philosophy East and West 26, no. 3 (July 1976): 303).
17. Ibid., p. 304: "...
David Loy
·期刊原文Welcome to the mind-body revolutionMarc BaraschPsychology TodayVol.26 No.4July-August 1993pp.58-68 COPYRIGHT Sussex Publishers Inc. 1993
Marc Barasch
Moller's book.(26) The significance of the number of burns was explained to de Groot as ...head and his arms. Between the ages of 26 and 56 Zhixu burned incense on his head on six ...
James A. Benn
where ultimate reality is concerned "the Aryas [25] themselves are the pramaa.na." [26]
Thus ...
Robert F. Olson
grammar which tries to force itself on us here. [26]
But it is a mistake to compare Wittgenstein's ...mass of sorrows" (MK 26: 9). But reality is in fact peaceful and undifferentiated, even "blissful." ...
Tyson Anderson
evidence of theemanation and revelation of the highest good."(26) So someask whether or a not...
Bongkil Chung
assist things in finding their place,' so as not 'to lose their essence.'" [26]
The prose ...
Nicholas F. Gier
rigorous, cumulative training, he comes to '"own what is imitated" and "become what is imitated"26 ...
Nagatomo, Shigenori
equipped to discuss Zen as Zen apart from its various historical settings.
p. 26
Zen must be ...
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
contempt", while Isaiah 26: 19 proclaims: "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall...another."(26) Simply stated, the Westernview envisions the human being as irrevocably subject ...
Sandra A. Wawrytko