With the emergence of interest in Buddhism in the West and the adaptation of specific scientific methods to the study of religion both in the West and in the East, a picture of...
Jan Yun Huan
·期刊原文Mountains, monks and mandalas:'Kundun' and 'Seven Years in Tibet.'
by Mark Abramson Cineaste ...--------------------------------------------------------------- In 1925, cinemas in ...
Mark Abramson
course.4. There will be significant difference in SWB and CP of experimental (Vipassana) group and control (non-Vipassana) group.5. Male and female inmates will differ significantly in SWB and CP, as a ...
Dr Amulya Khurana; Prof. P. L.
by relating the interesting anecdote of Queen`sBridge in Queens College, Cambridge Universiry, ...things can be. Onthe one hand, a most felicitous gesture in East-Westrelationship invorlving ...
Kenneth K. Inada
Tangut State came into being in the late 10th century, surrounded by powerful Buddhist centers: the ...system, even in a multi-national context, required creation of the written language for its native ...
Kychanov, Evgenij I.
address problems andissues of the contemporary age in which we live. I am usingShinran as an ...contemporary peoplemust be comprehensive in speaking to the human condition andin offering a deep ...
Alfred Bloom
, as in the case of Russell's paradox. But there is no reason why one cannot make a distinction between various specialized forms of paradoxes by considering various types of predicates occurring in S...
Chung-Ying Cheng
When Buddhism arrived in China, it was transformed by Chinese culture, and Chinese culture was similarly transformed by Buddhism. Our ability to understand religion in pre-Buddhist China ...
Kenneth W. Holloway
the points a monk has to train himself in” while the six perfections and four means of attraction of...becomes “non-learner”. The essence of buddhadharma lies in practice and realization, and thus the study...
century ago and the last 35 years have witnessed an explosion of interest in a Buddhism which, however, ..., 2003 in Massachusetts in the United States.
2003年10月23日在美国马萨诸塞州罗维尔市,一名僧人向几个少年传授佛教教义。 ...