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  • Neo-Confucianism and Chinese Scientific Thought

    in comparative philosophy should look up the following pages: 18-19, 21-23, 40, 42, 52, 67, 75, 77, ... be achieved," it says.[23] As we shall see below, this eventually became a key concept in Neo-...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Nirvana Is Nameless

    of 'Nirvana'The Named [23] said: A name must represent that to which it refers, as the designation ...

    Chang Chung-Yuan


  • Nondual Thinking

    mind. [23] A thought is "Unsupported" because it does not arise in dependence upon anything else, not ...

    David Loy


  • Notes on a Buddhist Monastery at Bho.t Bagan in Howrah

    Bangabda 1202,(1) 23rd Vai'sakha, Sunday, within 12 da.n.das(2) of the Pur.nima. This date ...

    Gaur Das Bysack


  • Notes on the Language of the Dvavimsatya

    7. Descriptive compounds.--(a) The qualifying member comes second (23), e.g. ...

    R. L. TURNER


  • On being mindless

    identifies the "others" with the Saurtaantikas,(23) and by the use of bruuma.h, "...

    Paul Griffiths


  • On Chinese Chan in Relation to Taoism[1]

    bell responds in the east. Is it the Change?' Hui-yuan just laughed without answering."[23] If the...

    Wu Yi


  • On the Possibility of Selt-transcendence

    ·期刊原文ON THE POSSIBILITY OF SELF-TRANSCENDENCE:PHILOSOPHICAL COUNSELING, ZEN, AND THE PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVERachel B. BlassJournal of Chinese Philosophy Vol.23 1996PP.277-297Copyright @1996 by ...

    Rachel B. Blass


  • On turning a Zen ear

    others have spoken of it as proprioception.(23) By whatever name, this ...

    David Appelbaum


  • Paramaartha and modern constructivists on mysticism

    to Buddhist claims about cessation meditation.(23) As Jerry Gill does, ...

    Robert K. C. Forman

