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  • Beat Zen, square Zen, and Zen

    wrest the good fromthe evil but in learning to "ride" them as a cork adapts itself to thecrests and ...you thething itself without comment.The sea darkens;The voices of the wild ducksAre faintly white....

    Watts Alan


  • Mysticism and Modern Perspective

    rebirth." While a mystical experience in itself would seem to be no guarantee of a beneficial ... The question then presents itself as to what we are going to do with the mystical consciousness as...

    Walter Houston Clark


  • Reflexivity and metalanguage games in Buddhist causality

    Streng notes that "karma ... is itself both the product and initiator of existence ... ... thought ... itself is a contributing factor in the arising of phenomena. The formation of mental ...

    Douglas D. Daye


  • Some Notes on Perceptions of Pratitya-Samutpada in China

    threads as fine as dust itself. The madman was not satisfied, saying how coarse that was. In ...praj~naa Ideally speaking, by itself, the Buddha is wu-hsin,[r] no-mind. He is impartial. Out of his ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism

    positings, including all body-aspect tensions and mind-aspect intentions, is itself accomplished through ...essences" is itself contrary to the "non-essentialism" (ni.hsvabhaava) and "nonsubstantialism" (anaatman) ...

    David Edward Shaner


  • The Soul-Theory in Buddhism

    "fine old crusted" Seele of Germany. Matter itself is melting away as substance. ... Living revealed itself as a congeries of manifestations (patubhavo, uppado)...

    C.A.F. Rhys Davids


  • Transference of Merit in Ceylonese Buddhism

    the very act of "transference" is a good deed in itself and, therefore, enhances the merit already ...enunciated in it. In the Milindapa~nha itself the King expresses the view that if the recipient is not ...

    G. P. Malalasekera


  • 世界佛教大家庭的共同语言——佛教音乐——兼谈佛教音乐的历史与未来

    the three denominations, the Buddhist music has never been categorized in terms of music itself but in terms of its religious content, and its function is only limited to religion itself. Examples ...



  • 蒋坚永副局长英语总结佛教外语交流会 掌声雷动

    Buddhism has to develop itself, to play a greater role, to go out from our own country, and to spread ...



  • 越南中部大学佛学院的教育方向

    this would enable it to release itself from the painful state of life in which a greedy living is ...


