硕/博士学位论文 【出版年代】2003年 【文章标题】论第一义空与涅盘-以杂阿含经第一义空经大般若经第二分和大般涅盘经为主 【英文标题】A Study of Paramartha-sunyata...Brain Edward Brown, The Buddha Nature –A Study of the Tathagatagarbha and Alayavijbana , Alex Wayman...
for the study and creation of Taiwanese Buddhist Digital Database, which will content the largest ...人文科学建构与研究「台湾佛教文献数字数据库」 (The Study and Creation of Taiwan Buddhist Digital Database),以建置一涵盖自明清以来的文献数字...
not only for the study of Korean history, but also for the study of Japanese history. The reason ...English version of Prof. Choi's 1996 conference paper on "Confucianism and Law in Korea." For a study...
Roger Goepper
study color-perception in another person's mind (p. 10). But can the blind man, by himself alone, construct the "devices" with which he can study color-perception in the other person's mind? Our ...
Kumataro Kawada
begins to study meditation in a Zen temple. After several years of practice and some ...category: the Soka Gakkai International. This group (whose name means Value-Creating Study ...
Jan Nattier
yen and
T'ien-t'ai metaphysics.
This study examines the relevance of Chinese Buddhist
...study will look at Chinese philosophy
from a European view point, I will first lay out a European
study of the Buddha Way.(31)
The three heads and eight arms [i.e., the state ...my being-time.(33)
One must study that if there is not now the passage ...
Dirck Vorenkamp
psychology has marginalisedphenomenology as part of a positivist programme.
But this is to study the vehicle...consciousness while the Westhas technological means to study them. Here, Buddhism has a rich ...
John Pickering
in the West no doubt provided a special impetus for the relatively recent interest in the study of ...see Carrington, 1984; Shapiro, 1982). To cite some examples: In an early study, Goleman and Schwartz ...
Padmal de Silva
training in peace activism, mediation, community development; academic study of ...on the Study of Religion at Harvard University. He is co-editor of Engaged Buddhism: ...
Christopher Queen, Tikkun