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  • The Rejection of Humor in Western Thought

    human life which had been neglected in the academic world. But as I worked through the writings of ...amusement as a kind of enjoyment or pleasure. The earlier view, often called the Superiority Theory, is ...

    John Morreall


  • Tthagata.

    unsettled. As the word tathagata is not used either in the Upanishads or (so far as I am ...Pali Pitakas; and there its use is so common as to merit special investigation. ...

    Chalmers, Robert


  • Two Studies in the Arthasastra of Kautilya

    svagho.sa, to AArya`suura'sJaatakamaalaa and to the La^nkaavataarasuutra. As for the first of ... that it was not already-------------------------- (1) The substance of this study was read as a ...



  • Zens & zensibility

    inscrutable, with an air of mystical holiness, yet given tomischievous pranks such as suddenly shouting, "Shut up, fool!," MP sitsserenely on his sofahh (couch) in a position best described as a ...

    Grossberger, Lewis


  • 《佛祖巡游记》内容简介

    Buddhism, also regarded as the sutra of Hinayana introduced into the Dai area long ago. It goes round...food, water and other wealth as oblation and donation. To establish Buddhism, they asked Buddha for ...



  • Desirelessness and the Good

    defined it as the single Final Cause of the universe, toward which all things move-the goal of every activity, conscious or otherwise. Now, for the Neo-Platonists, the "Good" was also defined as being...

    Laurence J. Rosan


  • Imagine Buddha in Prambanan

    been viewed as a "rival" to the contemporaneous Buddhist Borobudur. While ...the Sailendras, which "may have served as a kind of blueprint for the construction of an ...

    Katherine Hacker


  • Mysticism: Buddhism and Christian

    Griffiths lived as a Camaldolese monk at his Christian ashram in India. ...Camaldolese life today; things as simple as their horarium or, more pertinently, ...

    Lawrence S. Cunningham


  • Translation:The world of Tibetan Buddhism

    as a whole functions like poetry? What guarantee is there forbelieving that we evoke the same understanding in a native English speakerwhen we say "All things are transient," as when we say "'dus byas ...

    Geshe Thupten Jinpa


  • 印度克什米尔七世纪佛教古建筑群面临毁坏

    Police Station Pattan as being responsible for some irreparable damage being done to the archeological ... department say they had reported the matter at Police Post Mirgund as well as at Police Station ...


