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  • 大乘菩萨入世性之研究 ——以六波罗蜜为论述范围

    Taiwan. I think it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the secular nature and ways of ...hand, I hope this paper can provide a broader scope for those who are concerned about the issues of ...



  • 慈悲观




  • Action and suffering in the Theravadin tradition

    It is a curious thing that if I were to translate into Pali the two main terms of the title I would of course most naturally use the words kamma and dukkha, and ...

    Ninian Smart


  • Buddhist and Western Philosophy

    with such works. I am not sure just how it advances the field, if at all, and I cannot recommend it ...purchases with care and caution, I cannot suggest this volume for individual acquisition. Libraries may...

    Nathan Katz


  • Copernican Reversal: The Giitaakaaras Reformulation of Karma

    of extrinsic reasons which converge toward such dating, and I have recently shown the intrinsic ...precisions : (i) that the mind thus becomes attached (sakta) to the object of the desire that has been acted...

    Richard De Smet, S. J.


  • Darstantika, Sautrantika and Sarvastivaldin

    seems easier now to understand why Pa1i ditthi "view, opinion" is so frequently used ...sammukha patiggabitam (Sumangala-vilasini, I.p.31 But this interpretation, which is a ...

    Jean Przyluski


  • Dharmamegha samaadhi: Comments on Yogasuutra IV, 29

    mutually incompatible interpretations. I The classical commentaries of Vyaasa (Yogabhaa.sya) [2] and of ...samaadhi in classical Hindu literature, outside the commentaries on the Yogasuutra, of which I am ...

    Klaus Klostermaier


  • Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta

    enlightenment which finally and indubitably reveals the true nature of reality. I shall consider how this ...reflections; so I cling to "my" mental panorama and "my" body and its possessions. The purusha is so ...

    David Loy


  • Epoche and Suunyataa: Skepticism East and West

    College. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I thank Dick Garner, David Karnos, Dan Lloyd, ...and for detailed criticism of my use of the Buddhist texts I discuss here. An ...

    Jay L. Garfield


  • Health Beliefs And Early Detection Among Chinese women

    detection behaviors (i.e., forBSE and PAP) held by a group of educated, married Chinese women influencetheir...do not practice, or are believed to be"preventable" or controllable (i.e., balanced by maintaining ...

    Hoeman SP; Ku YL; Ohl DR

