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  • The mind-only teaching of Ching-ying Hui-Yuan

    karmic effects both pure and impure.(23) Hui-yuan, on the other hand, due to his Ti-...

    Ming-Wood Liu


  • The Mirror And the Source

    Many of them came from the bottom of Lake Tai...."Note 23 In the Sung dynasty, especially ..." P.23 (ibid. p. 144). In the Platform Sutra "the 'bright mirror' ...

    Dusan Pajin


  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    would be no liberation. [23] This gnosis of nonagency is the individuality of the renunciant as ...Mahaabhaa.sya: Kaarakaahnika (P.1.4.23-1.4.55), ed. with introd., trans., and notes by S. D. Joshi ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    are in themselves (yathaabhuutam) [23] in their suchness (tathataa). This is not, however, an ...Senzaki and McCandless, Buddhism and Zen, pp. 23-24. Cf. Hui-neng's "if you do not get rid of the ...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    to "doaway with Four Elements"(22) and to "annihilate normal naturecompletely."(23) P.352 In ...

    Edward T. Chien


  • The Ontological Foundation in Tetsuro Watsujis Philosophy

    arises as a modification of "circumspective concern."[23] This founded mode of "Being-in-the-world" ...

    Isamu, Nagami


  • The Ontology of the Prajnaparamita

    really there."(22) Or, as it is put in another passage,(23) they are "mere words," and "words are ...Vajracchedikaa,Chap.23 and ed.,T.Mutsumoto,Suvikraan-tavikramiiparp.rcchaa II,fol.20a,in P.Kahle,Studien(Leiden:...

    Edward Conze


  • The ordination of a tree

    :22-23; Trebuil 1995:68). These figures represent a decrease fromapproximately 75 per cent forest ...heldnear Bangkok in July 1991) cosponsored by 23 nongovernmental environmentaland development ...

    Susan M, Darlington


  • The paradox of Buddhist wisdom

    empirical world... is a thought-construction derived from false discrimination."(23) Ignorance...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated……

    of scripture is undeniable.”[23] However, Ge-luk hermeneutical strategy is more than a search for...

    William Magee, Ph.D.

