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  • The Royal Patrons of the University of Nalanda

    ·期刊原文The Royal Patrons of the University of Nalanda By Rev. H. Heras, S.J., M.A. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, PART I. Vol. XIV 1928 pp. 1-23 ----------------------------...

    H. Heras, S.J., M.A.


  • The rationalist tendency in modern Buddhist scholarship

    23 Kalupahana is certainly right to say that the truth of suffering includes a certain value ...back] 23 - Ibid. [back] 24 - Ibid., p. 87. [back] 25 - Gombrich 1998, p. 58. [back] 26 - Chon ...

    Sungtaek Cho


  • The Sautrantika arguments

    of ontological categories.)(23) An entity is no more and no less than its capacity...

    A.Charlene McDermott


  • Primitive Buddhist Texts

    the Greek atmos breath or wind giving life to the body. [23] He refuses also to ... [23] Milinda I, (30 31), Translation I, p. 41. [24] SN II, pp. 94, XII, 7, Section 61,...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • The Self in Medival Japanese Buddhism

    Patriarchs is us, and our future form is the Buddhas and Patriarchs."(23) ...Eiheiji goroku." 23 - Shobogenzo 25, "Keisei sanshoku." 24 - Shobogenzo zuimonki 6....

    Kiyotaka Kimura


  • The structure of consciousness in purpoyted trilogy

    behavior.[23] A deluded act or thought, in this system, must have had a preparatory stage in which a latent...

    Diana Y. Paul


  • The Study of Buddhism

    Sylvain Levi.     P.23 Activities in Europe were by no means restricted to editing, ...

    J. W. de Jong, Canberra


  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    it too much as a document in contemporary intellectual controversy... [23] In a head-note to his ...

    Angela Jung Palandri


  • Buddhist just rule and Burmese national culture

    vinnatabba dhamma, atthi maro va mara-pannatti va." (23) Sn 435-39: "tassa m'...1:23), interpreted by Buddhaghosa (Sv 2:393) as referring to nibbana. (28) ...

    Juliane Schober


  • The Translation of the Term Samskara

    opposedto non created [na uppada] and non-destructed [na vaya] nature of nirvana(註23). They are seldom used ...23) T. l, 24b; 有為法無常變異= sabbe sankhara anicca viparinama dharma (註 24) T. 2, 11c, or T. 29, 164b ;...

    Ven. Hsing-kong

