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  • Uses of Dialogues and Moral Understanding

    essentially logical and conceptual means. [16] If the distinction between the Confucian and Socratic uses of ...as the means creates a burden which obscures the vision of the truth". [20] In either way one wishes ...

    Cua, A. S.


  • Vietnamese mode of self-reference

    [16] `I' cannot, then,function as a description, name, or, crucially, as an indexical. In short,`I'...distinguishesbetween the `universal semantic function' [20] of the indexical, `I', andthe individual...

    Steven W. Laycock


  • Vijnaptimatrata and the Abhidharma

    the root of defilements(samklesamula) which ceases through the cultivation of wholesome dharmas[16]. ...contrast to the notion of vijnapti is the Vaibhasika notion ofavijnapti-rupa [20]. avijnapti-rupa, or '...

    King, Richard


  • Where text meets flesh

    particularly appropriate during the period of the decline of the dharma (mofa).(16) ...(20) However, for ordination as practiced from the late nineteenth century onward we do ...

    James A. Benn


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    truth are, [16] it can easily be shown that he makes use of at least the three pramaa.nas of direct...20] Candrakiirti says that what is imagined (kalpita), based upon illusion or mirage, as well ...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Who understands the four alternatives of the Buddhist texts?

    alternative: "S is partly P and partly non-P."(16) Thus for the content of the third ...the sense bases (aayatana).(19) See, along the same lines, Kalupahana's discussion(20) ...

    Alex Wayman


  • William James and Yogaacaara philosophy

    object' when taken alone."(16) Here, the encompassing nature of experience for James becomes ... accumulation of our own intellectual inventions."(20) Yogaacaara's ...

    Miranda Shaw


  • Wittgenstein and Naagaarjunas paradox

    regarded as having exclusive intrinsic value over against other words." [16] If a Hindu believes that ... focus on what he calls "the basic criticism" [20] According to Gudmunsen, while the Abhidharmists ...

    Tyson Anderson


  • Xunzi and the Confucian answer to Titanism

    sound than Mencius'. [16] Perhaps the clue to why Xunzi may be a prototechnologist can be found ... of Heaven and Earth." [20] In order to avoid the anthropomorphism he found in Mencius, Xunzi's...

    Nicholas F. Gier


  • Zeamis conception of freedom

    must occur); they only describe how events do occur.16 Psychological laws, he argues, thus do not ...flowers": "To know flowers in Noh is ... a supreme first priority, and essential."20 But. according to...

    Nagatomo, Shigenori

