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  • Buddhism comes to main street

    . and assistedthem in the process of self-realization." How, then, can we get our bearings in this ...enlightenment," that we live notonce but many times, and that our karma (which simply means "actions") willhave ...

    Jan Nattier


  • Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic History from the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries

    significant for the history of Western studies of China as for our knowledge of China ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Buddhism in Huxleys Evolution and Ethics:

    aside and turn to our subject itself. II T. H. Huxley was a ...purposes of our present inquiry it is perhaps best to note them at the outset, for the ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Buddhist and Western Philosophy

    publisher's price is prohibitive for all but a few scholars. At a time when we all must select our ...

    Nathan Katz


  • Contingency and the Time of the Dream

    coincidence (hasard) could indeed, not more than any other science, pretend to administer our actions; it ...aspect of Aristotlés concept of the tragic: There is thus coincidence in our life, there is this ...

    Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten


  • Dereification in Zen Buddhism

    language and commonsense knowledge.When we walk into a "forest," we often utilize our knowledge of "forests"and see particular aspects of our immediate experience as "trees," "rocks,""streams," and "...

    Robert J. Moore


  • Di^nnaagas theory of immaterialism

    nnaaga, deserves our special attention. [2] This work, in its original form, has been lost, and it ..., pp. 18,44. p. 126 of our experience." [14] He further says: "As a philosopher Di^nnaaga ...

    D. J. Kalupahana


  • Embodied Soul. The Focus For Nursing praxis

    essence of our being. There is no wisdom of the body inhis philosophy. Descartes believed the body ...attentions, and gestures. Hillman (1975), a psychologist, believes much of our 20th century ...

    Picard C


  • Tokugawa Village Practice: Class, Status, Power, Law

    . One of Ooms' major contributions to our understanding of Tokugawa Japan is to highlight the ...Since the mid-1980s, our view of the Tokugawa period has undergone major revision. For example, gone (...

    Herman Ooms


  • High drama

    front of our embassies." But so far popular pressure has had little apparent impact on the ...

    Maura Moynihan

