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  • Śaṅkara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice

    and He is life itself.Eckhart When we want something, normally we know well enough what needs to be...less than enlightenment itself. (There is as great a divergence in style between the Brahmin logician,...

    Loy, David


  • The Wayward Mysticism of Alan Watts

    feel one with all nature, and with the universe itself, if you could understand that there is no '...illumine itself because it is already luminous.[17] From the premise that we cannot have a positive and...

    Alan W. Watts


  • Buddhist bridge to bioethics

    the diversity of perspectives within the Buddhisttradition itself, Keown relies primarily on the ...a good in itself and theprecondition for the fulfillment of all other goods, knowledge andfriendship...

    Leslie Rezac


  • Indian sources on the possibility of a pluralist view of religions

    that mistakenlyassumes "high ground" for itself clue to its broad tolerance, when in factthis position ...difficulties; it is grounded in thevery logic of the position itself. No doubt his article will ...

    Judson B. Trapnell



    itself, or process itself, not on the model of appetition-emphasis/selection-satisfaction/definiteness,...which both expressed and concealed itself, and these two—expressing and concealing—as identical, as ...

    BROOK ziporyn


  • Liang Shuming and Henri Bergson on intuition

    was zhijue replaced by another concept, lixing, but the term itself virtually ...intellectual molds, and shape every problem that presents itself to us according ...

    Yanming An


  • The Logic of the Illogical: Zen and Hegel

    manifests itself in its ignoring of the law of contradiction. It does not attempt to invalidate the...assert that to be itself is not to be itself, and also that I am really I only by negating myself. ...

    Ha Tai Kim


  • Book Review: Mindfulness in the Marketplace: A Compassionate Response to Consumerism

    to serve the world rather than itself by placing into question this destructive cycle. It can do so ... itself as well, since Buddhism too can and has become a commodity and object of more subtle ...

    Eric Sean Nelson


  • Dogens Manuals of Zen Meditation

    itself. The contemporary study of Dogen is, in short, caught in the middle of a methodological ...approaches to studying Dogen. Bielefeldt's approach distinguishes itself through its sincere ...

    Carl Bielefeldt


  • Reply to Frank J. Hoffman

    to early Buddhism itself. It takes reading Hoffman's book, however, to see that throughout it ...repeatedly using such terminology does make it seem as though he is talking about early Buddhism itself, ...

    Mary Bockover

