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  • 缘起:传统的诠释是错的吗?

    缘起:传统的诠释是错的吗?  Michael S. Drummond 撰;庄国彬 译  法光学坛  第五期(2001)   页25-44  ?2001 法光佛教文化研究所  台北市  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  页141  缘起:传统的诠释是错...

    Michael S. Drummond


  • 宗密着“道俗酬答文集”的研究

    就是当唐文去读,绝不下于同时代的同类作品如李密的「陈情表」、韩愈的「祭十二郎文」、   p. 141  和刘知几的「史通自叙」。   从哲学的观点上去观察,宗密在这篇信件中,自言他如何对儒道两家的思想,...



  • A Chinese Buddhist Water Vessel and Its Indian Prototype

    See M.F.A. Bulletin, Vol. XXIV, No. 141, and Siren, op. Cit. Vol. II, Pl 198; Vol. III, Pls. 295...example from the Mahaadeva temple at Nohta, Damoh District. P.141 Fig.25-29. The am.rta-kala'sa as ...

    Artibus Asiae


  • Avoiding the Void The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism

    141-42). In Existential Psychotherapy Yalom develops this into his own dual paradigm of death-denial ...

    David R. Loy


  • A preliminary survey of some early Buddhist manuscripts recently

    manuscripts, and Sander (1991: 141-42) has plausibly hypothesized that the Vinaya texts were ...

    Richard Salomon


  • A Short Account of the Wandering Teachers at the Time of the Buddha

    S.), Vol. IV, p. 35. 3. Ibid. Vol. I, p. 157. 4. Buddhist India, pp. 141-148. ...

    Bimala Charan Law M.A. C.C.S.


  • Antiquity of Tantricism

    in spirit. Vedic authorities are also cited (II. 140-141) in justification...

    Chintaharan Chakravarti


  • Buddhism and Poverty

    increase of seventeen per cent (George and Sabelli, 141). If one accepts the World Bank's profession that ...

    David Loy


  • Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka

    (pp. 74-75, 138-39, 141-42, 178, 194) in the seven chapters that follow the ...

    Edmund Perry


  • Candrakiirtis denial of the self

    apart from this aggregate or these aggregates. In verses 121-141 Candrakiirti... Candrakiirti then concludes his examination of Buddhist realism in verses 140-141...

    James Duerlinger

